2012-2013 Share Execs Announced

The new 2012-2013 SHARE Executives were anounced Wednesday morning. They were surprised by the current SHARE Execs before third hour and taken to First Watch, where they discussed the future of SHARE. The new SHARE Execs are Helen Petrow, Bucky Kessinger, Connor McGannon, Grace Degoler, Emma Robson, Addie Anthony and Liza Clough.

SHARE Execs are a group of students who oversee and run the volunteer organization at East. They work with the various projects’ leaders, which are called SHARE Chairs, as well as plan the annual dodgeball tournament and East’s garage sale. Senior Tori Holt is a current SHARE Exec and has found her time as an Exec to be rewarding.

“It’s just been a great experience,” Holt said. “I’ve met great people and done so much volunteering without thinking it’s volunteering because it’s been so much fun.”

In order to become SHARE Execs, students had to fill out an application as well as complete an interview. During the interview, applicants were asked how they would handle different situations that may arise while running SHARE. Future SHARE Exec Liza Clough, is excited for next year and hopes to help her Chairs through the planning and executing of their projects.

“I just want my Chairs to know how important it is to take on a leadership role, and get your volunteers and kind of delegate almost,” Clough said. “I also want them to work hard and to give back to the community.”

The new SHARE Execs will take over the 80-plus projects in SHARE. One of their classes will be dedicated to SHARE. They will meet in the SHARE office with the director and associate director Pat Kaufman and Leslie Multer to plan and discuss the projects. Holt is excited for the future Execs and hope that they succeed.

“I hope they have fun and get to know each other and are able to be there for each other and support each other,” Holt said. “I hope SHARE is successful next year and I hope that they are willing and able to do everything that needs to be done to keep SHARE going strong.”

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