Trivia Night 2020: Results from this year’s student-teacher competition

Student Council’s Special Events committee hosted the annual Trivia Night on Wednesday with 20 teams participating of four to five students and a teacher. 

The committee members checked the teams in and kept score. The event was emceed by the StuCo execs — they read off questions, shared the leaderboard status and even a few songs were sung by senior execs Brigid Wentz and Reilly Moreland. 

Each group came up with a team name, and gift cards were awarded to the ones with the most spirit and best outfits.

There were eight rounds, each round had ten questions. The categories for the rounds were “Who Wrote…,” “Sports,” “Losers of History,” “Movie Characters,” “What Country are you in if…,” “STEM,” “First Sentences” and “Pop Culture.”

“The IB Dropouts” team — not actually IB dropouts — won with 62 out of the 80 questions correct. 

The winning members of the team were seniors Emory Apodaca, Vincent Hsiung, Andrew Wurst, Olive Henry and Grant Colvin — along with social studies teacher, Robert Bickers.

Despite the fact that the team didn’t think they’d win, they knew that they had several strengths in the subjects, according to Apodaca. He explained that Hsiung and Bickers know sports, Bickers has history, Colvin “knows everything” about countries, politics and geography, Henry knows pop culture, Wurst and Hsiung can handle music and Apodaca knows STEM. 

The IB Dropouts got perfect scores on the Losers of History and Movie Characters categories.

The winning prize was the totaled entry fees — $500 — with half of the money being divided between the group members and the other half going to a charity of their choice. 

The team has yet to decide on the charity to donate the other half of the prize money to.

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Caroline Wood

Caroline Wood
After spending six semesters on staff, Co-Head Copy Editor Caroline Wood has somehow found herself in her senior year of high school. While it’s turned out to be nothing like the 80s teen movies Caroline adores, she’s still had an amazing time as a Lancer. Caroline works six jobs — as an AP Student, Copy Editor on The Harbinger, Head Design Editor of The Freelancer, Web Designer for Student Store, dance organizer for StuCo and a cashier at SPIN! — only one of which actually pays. »

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