The Spotlight on Kurtis Blunt

Q: Kurtis, what kind of things are you into?

A: Well, I’m really into music stuff. Really any kind of music. I play six different instruments. The guitar, drums, bass, piano, I sing and I play the Ukulele.

Q: Tell me a little about your Ukulele?

A: I got it about a year ago so I’ve been playing for a year now. My friend actually got me  into it and I always end up taking it with me on trips with me. I actually took it to Hati with me and I played it sitting on the back of a truck with some Haitians.

Q: Why were you in Hati?

A: I went to Hati during spring break my freshman year, so in 2009. Me and my church went on a mission trip there and built a church and a school. It was before the hurricane so I’m really not sure if it is still standing there. While we were down there we basically took care of all the kids and did life with them for a week. It was really and awesome experience.

Q: Did you perform your music in Hati?

A: Yes I actually played in front of a Church and led them in worship in English. Which was pretty cool for both me and them because it was a different style of worship and I found it awesome that they were actually saying these things in English.

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