East teacher Steven Appier named a recipient of Wolfe Teaching Excellence Award

On April 8, East chemistry teacher Steven Appier was named a recipient of the Wolfe Teaching Excellence Award by the University of Kansas School of Education.

According to the University of Kansas School of Education, winners are distinguished as first-class educators who have greatly impacted students’ lives. 

Each year, graduating seniors at the University of Kansas have the opportunity to nominate one of their past teachers for this award. After gaining input from peers, KU senior Ellie Stewart-Jones nominated Appier by sending in his name to the Wolfe Teaching Excellence Award Committee to be reviewed. 

“I had never even heard of the award until a few weeks ago when I received an email from the University of Kansas School of Education telling me I was a semifinalist for the award,” Appier said. “I had no idea I was nominated. I never win things like that so I wasn’t expecting to be a recipient. There wasn’t a whole lot of pressure, but I kind of hoped I would.”

After Stewart-Jones discovered Appier had won the award, she reached out over email to inform him that she had given him the nomination at the beginning.

According to the letter, Stewart-Jones’ passion for science and success in college was based upon foundations she learned from Appier — and his student’s success speaks to his skill as an educator, his ability to inspire and his dedication to his students. 

From the students beginning in Chemistry 1 to those returning for his AP classes, Appier creates life-long impacts on his students when they walk into his classroom — without even realizing it.

“He can be stressed and overwhelmed but he will still make a point to go above and beyond to help you,” current AP Chemistry student, junior Kelsey Christensen said. “Appier has for sure been the most influential teacher I’ve had at East and I know I can talk to him about anything.”

As a part of winning the Wolfe Teaching Excellence Award, recipients receive a personal cash award and 1,000 dollars for their school. Traditionally, the recipients would be invited to the University of Kansas to be recognized for their contributions that led to their selection during Commencement weekend in mid-May with a ceremony and dinner. 

However, with the uncertainty and concerns of the COVID-19 pandemic, Commencement has been postponed to Fall of 2020. 

One response to “East teacher Steven Appier named a recipient of Wolfe Teaching Excellence Award”

  1. Anonymous says:

    Steven Appier is an excellent teacher and human being. Congratulations to him!

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Winnie Wolf

Winnie Wolf
Senior Winnie Wolf is pumped to be back and busy as ever as a Copy Editor and an Online Section Editor for her third and final year on staff. She (thinks) she’s ready to take on anything this year throws at her and is looking forward to growing as a journalist with her new positions. If you’ve never seen her at a Harbinger deadline, it’s because her overcommitting tendencies got her tangled in competitive studio dance, Varsity drill team, National Charity League, Student Store, SHARE, DECA, AP classes, Link Crew and working at Torchy’s Tacos <3. She’s most productive and contactable after hours, Celsius in hand, finally getting to her homework, unfinished edits and story writing. »

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