Author Spotlight
Sophie Henschel

Entering her third year on Harbinger staff as Online-Editor-in-Chief and Social Media Editor, senior Sophie Henschel is ready and excited to jump into the big shoes she has to fill this year. Outside of Harbinger, Henschel nannies, chairs for SHARE and participates in AP courses through East. If she isn’t up editing a story, starting a design or finishing up her gov notes, you’ll probably find her hanging out with friends (with a massive coffee in hand). »
Caroline Wood

After spending six semesters on staff, Co-Head Copy Editor Caroline Wood has somehow found herself in her senior year of high school. While it’s turned out to be nothing like the 80s teen movies Caroline adores, she’s still had an amazing time as a Lancer. Caroline works six jobs — as an AP Student, Copy Editor on The Harbinger, Head Design Editor of The Freelancer, Web Designer for Student Store, dance organizer for StuCo and a cashier at SPIN! — only one of which actually pays. »
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