Senior Column: Emma Pennington, Print Co-Assistant Editor

Grant Kendall

Emma Pennington

Position: Print Co-Assistant Editor

College: University of Kansas





Before I go, I’d like to take this opportunity to apologize to the administrators, my past teachers, coaches and parents for having to put up with me and all my shenanigans for the past four years. I’d also like to thank my fellow students for many memories they’ve made for me over the past several years.


Dear Teachers,


I’m sorry for my lackadaisical behavior that has taken place the last few weeks, or rather the past year (or two). I’m sorry for notoriously showing up late to class every day and putting off my work until minutes before entering your classroom. I’m sorry for the time when I, along with the other 25 or more kids in my English class, tricked you into letting us leave 15 minutes early for lunch (and when I say tricked you, I mean the time we all stormed the door and ran out fast enough so you couldn’t stop us). Sorry for all of the times I’ve missed your class for SHARE projects or Track meets or doctors appointments or vacation or for oversleeping or to get my haircut or for a personal day or to get my nails done or even that one time when I went downstairs to meet my boyfriend in the first floor bathroom (just kidding). Truly, I am sorry.


Dear Administration,


Sorry for the countless times I participated in the “Bananas” or the “Bull S***” chants at basketball games and then shamelessly pointing to the row of senior boys in front of me and blaming it all on them when you told us to stop. I’m sorry for the abundant amount of interviews I’ve bombarded you with for my newspaper articles. Sorry about all the notes I have forced my parents to scribble down and brought to the attendance office to be excused from class. And for all the times I’ve had my mom call me out during the middle of the day when I know that’s not school policy. Truly, I am sorry.


Dear Coaches,


Sorry for the time my lifting partners and I said we were going to the nurse, but in reality we put on a skeleton costume and ran into people’s classrooms (and, might I add, scared the living daylights out of some teachers) just to get out of having to do bench press. Freshman gym, sorry that you exist. Volleyball coach, sorry for not living up to your standards of professional volleyball and, in turn, quitting and losing you a future Olympic volleyball player. Track coaches (Dad), sorry for always incessantly annoying you every night about what the next day’s workout is going to be, then telling the rest of the team. Ron, sorry for the countless amount of ice bags I had rip open and spill all over your floor and all the tape you’ve wasted on my bazillion injuries. Truly, I am sorry.


Dear Parents,


Sorry for piling 20 freshman girls in your car to drive us to a cute boys house and you having to listen to our stupid conversation about who kissed who. Sorry for begging you to give me money every year for WPA when we really only stayed at the dance for no more than 15 minutes and our overpriced dinners were always sub par. Sorry for the grades you would get emailed to you every Friday just in time to ruin both of our weekends. To the parents who hosted float parties, sorry for, well, everything. Truly, I am sorry (kind of).




Instead of listing my apologies I’d like to take this time to thank you for all the memories you’ve helped me create the past four years at Shawnee Mission Wonderful. Thank you Student Body for putting on your oversized button downs and boxers for the Rockhurst game this year. And for the week prior eating one too many Chick-fil-A chicken sandwiches and beating those Rock bros even though we lost the actual basketball game. Thanks to the StuCo kids who had to put up and take down all the decorations for dances even though half the time they ended up getting torn, trashed and trampled. To the countless athletes who helped to bring East state titles. Thank you to the unknown Pep club kid who tossed me a T-shirt at a basketball game last year. Truly, thank you.




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