Q and A: Canvas and Webex or Google Classroom and Zoom?

With nearly a month of virtual school behind us, East teachers and students are forming their opinions about the new learning platforms for the year — Canvas and Webex — in comparison to Google Classroom and Zoom.

Ryan Oettmeier- Math teacher

Q: Do you prefer Google Classroom or Canvas? Why?

A: “I prefer Canvas right now because I think there’s more things that it incompases. I think Google Classroom was definitely more user friendly, but ultimately there’s so many things [Canvas] allows you to do…For me being able to send announcements in Canvas has been nice and then also when I did Google Classroom I think that was more just posting things on a daily basis as opposed to being able to have items I can put out in advance in terms of letting students see the plan for what we’re going to be doing coming up.”

Q: Do you feel more organized on Canvas?

A: “Yeah, I’m getting there. But it’s been a huge learning curve, there’s no doubt. I do feel like I’m able to organize things a lot better. The one thing I think is tough for students is, yes we’re all using the same platform which is awesome, however I do think different teachers are going to build their Canvas courses differently. So there’s still some things students have to learn in terms of how your teacher [organizes Canvas].” 

Q: How have you been adjusting to the new virtual platform layout?

A: “It’s been a whole lot of extra hours learning to do it. When you do it right it becomes easier for students to use it, but it definitely takes a lot of time to build everything and make everything available. [I’m] putting together notes, there’s homework assignments with the answer keys, and creating assignments. It’s definitely very time consuming, but I think part of that is learning to be more efficient. With something like Google Classroom that didn’t really take much time to put that in there. You simply drag and drop assignments or notes into a spot for each day. So it’s been a huge adjustment for a lot of teachers.”

Ann Flurry- English teacher 

Q: Do you prefer Google Classroom or Canvas? Why?

A: “If you would have asked me that a month ago, I would’ve said Google Classroom for sure, but as I get used to Canvas, it does a lot of things that Google Classroom can’t. I like how it streamlines everything. I like how, once I figure out how to work it, grades can automatically link to Skyward.”

Q: Do you prefer Zoom or Webex? Why?

A: “I think Webex is great because of the breakout groups. I’ve been having no trouble with it. Since we didn’t have training for Zoom, some teachers were probably better at it than I was last year, but I feel like I have the basics of Webex and can do a lot more. I will say it’s nice to have one [platform] we’re supposed to use because last year we would use Webex for meetings with teachers but then used Zoom for meetings with students.”

Q: How have you been adjusting to the new virtual platform layout?

A: “I think I’m adjusting well because my students are adjusting well. But it’s hard for everybody. I’m in my 26th year of teaching, [first year at East], but I feel like I’m in my first or second. What I mean by that is everything takes several extra steps so even if you have things that have been successful in the past and you feel really good about it, it takes several steps to make it work in the virtual environment. The hardest thing is the exhaustion of being on a screen all the time. You have to understand that all teachers and English teachers have a lot to read and we’re doing it all online. That’s why I think it’s important I have my students do pen to paper writing. Not only is it good for you but it’s good for us as teachers to be able to grade something that’s physical. The interaction with students is what gets me jazzed. It’s just really nice to be back with students daily. I’ve been incredibly impressed with the Lancers and how they’ve adjusted. I love that part, that’s why I teach. It’s nice to be connected again.”

Q: If you had a choice to pick which platforms you used, what would you choose?

A: “I’m going to say Canvas and Webex because I feel the most comfortable with them now. But my number one goal is to be in person. Those are the platforms I’d vote for officially because we’re in this weird time.”

Mercedes Rasmussen- Marketing teacher

Q: Do you prefer Google Classroom or Canvas? Why? 

A: “Well I never used Google Classroom so I would definitely say I prefer Canvas. I already knew [the platform]. I also teach classes at Rockhurst University and we’ve been using Canvas for a couple years. Canvas was a little easier for me to transition because I already knew [the platform] and I know that there are several teachers in the building that also teach college classes at JOCO and stuff and use Canvas.”

Q: Do you prefer Zoom or Webex? Why? 

A: Well, I would tell you that when we first started school I would say Zoom because it’s the only thing I’ve ever used before. I found Zoom very user friendly. But now that we’ve gotten into Webex and figured out how to easily post it so that you guys can come in all the time and added discussions and breakout rooms, Webex is nice. I’m not an IT person so I don’t know enough about technology but apparently Webex is a little more secure than Zoom. 

Q: How have you been adjusting to the new layout?

A: I think we all have just adjusted because we’ve had to. Unlike in the spring where it was sprung on all of us, we didn’t know what to do with it. I think everyone went into fall with a different mindset like we’re just going to have to learn this and this is what we’re going to have to do and it’s not a choice. When that’s in your face like you have to go to school and I have to teach, you just figure it out and learn. If you don’t know you ask lots of questions, just like you guys are. The key is to be really patient with each other. We’re all learning. Is it the ideal way we want to do education? No, but we’re doing this.

Madeline Funkey | The Harbinger Online Above are the results from a recent survey held on smeharbinger’s Instagram.

Grace Knoff – sophomore 

Q: Do you prefer Google Classroom or Canvas? Why?

A: I prefer Google Classroom because I can turn things in easier. On Canvas you have to attach a file and I have so much stuff on my desktop now. And then my teachers have been making us convert to a PDF which takes another step and it’s just a little bit difficult. Some of the documents in certain classes I can’t do on Google Docs so I end up having to do it on a notebook and have to take a picture on my phone and send it to my computer and then convert it from there, which takes a lot more time than normal. 

Q: If you had a choice to pick which platforms you used, what would you choose?

A: Probably Webex and Google Classroom because I just think it’s easier for me. I think I’m more familiar with Google Classroom and my Skyward grades being put in immediately because teachers have been just putting them in Canvas. It’s hard to see feedback from teachers on Canvas rather than Google Classroom because you can write private comments to your teacher right there. 

Q: How have you been adjusting to the new virtual platform layout?  

A: The first couple of weeks I think are going good. I’m starting to get a little bit tired because it’s hard to want to keep doing your work while staying motivated. It’s a little boring because everyone turns off their camera, and I do too, but it makes it a little more difficult without all the side conversations we usually have at school. You know to be able to ask someone [for help] and instead you have to unmute yourself in front of everyone on Webex who’s sitting behind their cameras and be like ‘I don’t understand something’.

Reese Althouse- senior

Q: Do you prefer Google Classroom or Canvas? Why?

A: I actually like Canvas because I think there’s more stuff you can do with it and you’re not trying to go to a bunch of different places since everything is in one place. Google Classroom was more simple but I still like Canvas. 

Q: Have you been having any trouble with Canvas?

A: The only hard thing is with math and classes where you’re having to write things down to turn them in, like figuring out ways to get pictures turned in of stuff you can’t really do online. I’d say that’s the only thing that’s been difficult. 

Q: If you had a choice to pick which platforms you used, what would you choose?
A: I would choose Webex because it has a chat and breakout rooms, I think Zoom might have those too but Webex has made it easier. And then I’d choose Google Classroom because we usually do everything through Google Drive and it connects better with that. It makes it easier.

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Madeline Funkey

Madeline Funkey
Leaping into her second year on Harbinger as a writer and designer, Senior Madeline Funkey is looking forward to making many memories within the walls of the Journalism room. When she’s not busy with story ideas or sketching out her page, you can find Funkey at her dance studio, Starstruck. Along with Harbinger she is involved in DECA, student store, SHARE and NHS. After checking everything off her to-do list she makes sure to find time to meet her friends for her favorite workout classes at Powerlife yoga. »

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