Oh How Euphoric! — Episode 3

“Oh How Euphoric!” is a brand new Harbinger podcast hosted by Sophie Henschel, Paige Zadoo and Elise Madden. Each episode dives into summaries, breakdowns and theories of HBO Max’s “Euphoria” as they’re released weekly.

https://open.spotify.com/episode/0K6ZzzLa774DSfozRchUNy?si=OuDGDBbESsacB2Fo5bg2QA https://open.spotify.com/episode/0K6ZzzLa774DSfozRchUNy?si=OuDGDBbESsacB2Fo5bg2QA

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Author Spotlight

Sophie Henschel

Sophie Henschel
Entering her third year on Harbinger staff as Online-Editor-in-Chief and Social Media Editor, senior Sophie Henschel is ready and excited to jump into the big shoes she has to fill this year. Outside of Harbinger, Henschel nannies, chairs for SHARE and participates in AP courses through East. If she isn’t up editing a story, starting a design or finishing up her gov notes, you’ll probably find her hanging out with friends (with a massive coffee in hand). »

Elise Madden

Elise Madden
Entering her third year on harbinger as the head photo editor Elise is excited to take on the year with her co editor Maggie Merckens. Outside of harbinger Elise is involved in lacrosse, deca, student store, link crew, and AP classes. If she’s not taking photos on the sidelines of games, at dance, or babysitting you can find her with her laptop watching movies and shows in her room, or going to get sushi with her friends. »

Paige Zadoo

Paige Zadoo
Senior Paige Zadoo is in her final year on The Harbinger as Co-Head-Social Media-Editor, writer, Copy Editor and designer. Although she’s filled with sadness to leave her second family, Zadoo can’t wait to innovate and create on staff this year. If she’s not in the backroom editing a new staffer’s story, finalizing her opinion highlights design or creating countless social media posts, you can find Zadoo binging One Tree Hill in the background while finishing her IB English homework, attending Power Life classes or spending as much time with friends as possible. »

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