Popular New Spring Apps

Lulu is an app that allows girls rate their guy friends on Facebook along with random guys in the area. The app is for girls only and switches the roles and lets girls be critical of their guy friends. The rating is based on relationship to the person, their physical appearance and their personality. Lulu also provides hashtags, like popular social networking sites, to describe the best and the worst in a fairly clever way, such as the positive #Myfriendsarejealous and the negative #Justfriends.

Tinder, much like the lulu app, uses your Facebook profile to match you with girls or guys in your area depending on your interests, location and age. Your profile on Tinder can show up to four of your facebook profile pictures, how far away you are and when you were last using the app.The app matches people who both “thumbs up” each other, and gives people the option to “thumbs down” a person and skip them. Once matched you have the ability to chat with other members. Tinder is designed to anonymously connect younger people, those mainly in high school and college.

A mix of video and pictures, the new Vine app allows user to create six second videos, called Vines, which can be shared through Facebook, Twitter or the Vine app itself. You can make an account on the app and follow and be followed by other users. The app gives you the ability to like and comment on other people’s vines. This new app gives people a different platform to share their experiences and ideas.

0-3Llama or Duck
This simple, mindless game that gives players a split second to look at a picture of a llama or a duck and tap the corresponding button. The game gets harder as you get farther into it. If you guess incorrectly the game ends and you are given your high “squirrel” (high score), where a scoreboard shows your records. If you are looking for a game to waste your time with this is it.

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