Less of a Job: Students feel that working with their peers makes work more enjoyable

While student employees get ready for work, they’re excited — work doesn’t feel like work since their coworkers are other East students. They feel that working with people they already know makes for a more enjoyable and comfortable work environment and allows them to become better friends with people they go to school with who they may not have become friends with otherwise.

Caroline Gould | The Harbinger Online

Seniors Ashton Emley and Jilli Foley both work at Torchy’s Tacos and find that working together has strengthened their friendship, through countless hours of wiping crumbs off tables. When racing around the restaurant during rush hour, they find some comfort in assisting each other when taking orders or dropping off some chips at a table.

Caroline Gould | The Harbinger Online Jilli Foley

“It makes you want to go to work. It’s not a struggle and you’re like, ‘Oh, I don’t want to go to work’ but then I’m like ‘Oh I’m working with Ashton or I’m working with someone I know, this will be a fun shift.’”

Caroline Gould | The Harbinger Online Ashton Emley

“This summer me and Jilli were working together one day and Jilli was training me because she had already been working there for a while, and that was really fun because we got to spend the whole day together just working and talking.”

Caroline Gould | The Harbinger Online

When working busy summer days at Chill in the Village, Juniors Grace Meyer and Kasey Nelson know they can depend on each other and their other East peers to make the workday feel less dragged-out.

Caroline Gould | The Harbinger Online Grace Meyer

“In the summers, it’s definitely a really good time to work with [people I work with from East], and winter can kind of be slow when working [at Chill], so in the summer, it’s a really fun job to have and to be working with people who you know.”

Caroline Gould | The Harbinger Online Kasey Nelson

“I think it’s really fun because I’ve met a lot of people who I work with who’re from East that I wouldn’t have met otherwise, since it’s such a big school. I really like that I meet new people from that, and then I also get to work with a lot of my friends who I already know.”

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Caroline Gould

Caroline Gould
Espresso enthusiast and senior Co-Head Copy Editor Caroline Gould has been counting down the days until she gets to design her first page of the year. When not scrambling to find a last-minute interview for The Harbinger, Caroline’s either drowning with homework from her IB Diploma classes, once again reviewing French numbers or volunteering for SHARE. She’s also involved in Link Crew, NHS and of course International Club. With a rare moment of free time, you can find Caroline scouring Spotify for music or writing endless to-do lists on her own volition. »

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