Kickin’ It From Home: Local workout studios post at-home workouts

Okay yes, your favorite workout studio closed for quarantine — right when you decided it was time to get in shape — but on the bright side now they’re streaming live classes that you can do from the comfort of your bedroom. And celebrity vloggers may not be posting gym selfies — instead they’ve shared their favorite ways to burn some cals without leaving the house. 

So don’t worry there’s plenty of fun at-home-workouts, meaning quarantine is not an excuse to stop physical activity.

Sophie Henschel | The Harbinger Online

Orangetheory fitness has moved to hosting daily at-home workouts through their Youtube feed. Their Youtube channel — linked in their website — provides customers free, easy-access videos created by trained instructors in order to stay fit during quarantine. 

Sophie Henschel | The Harbinger Online

Orangetheory’s new at-home workouts incorporate around-the-house objects to use in place of gym equipment like weights — ranging from soap jugs to suitcases to a box of pretzels. Their goal with the unusual equipment is to show that it doesn’t take much to stay active in these times, and anyone can participate. 

Since March 19, they have been posting their 30-40 minute at-home workouts, each with different workout circuits including everything from planks to burpees to lunges galore.

Sophie Henschel | The Harbinger Online

Health House, a fitness center with locations in Prairie Village and Leawood, Kan. is offering at-home workouts via their Instagram, @health_house. The details — times, descriptions, equipment, etc — for virtual classes are listed in a recent post, with updates as the weeks go on. 

Sophie Henschel | The Harbinger Online

The on-average-50-minute workouts have been adjusted so that equipment you would typically use in the studio like weights, treadmills, rowing machines or any other gym equipment are not necessary. There’s still the option to use equipment you have at home, but it’s not required. 

You can tune into the classes through their Instagram live as real Health House instructors walk you through their classic workouts like “Medicine Man,” “Hiit It,” “Arm Party” and “Sweat It Out” all int he comfort of your own home. 

As for the music, they include songs playing in the background of the Instagram lives to keep you on track and on beat to replicate the same in-class workout environment.

Sophie Henschel | The Harbinger Online

Fusion Fitness, a local fitness studio with three Kansas locations is hosting a new program, “Fit Fest”, in collaboration with Sweatlab Fitness to encourage customers to stay fit while in quarantine. The program includes classes such as Fusion Mix, Hiit, Tnt, Cardio Core, Btw and Barre — all of which were previously offered in person.

Sophie Henschel | The Harbinger Online

In order to participate in the workouts, Fusion Fitness has been posting on their Instagram, @fusionfitnesskc, the times, instructors and description of each class. The classes take place on live streams — both on Fusion’s Instagram account and Sweatlab’s: @sweatlab.

The lives feature one instructor in an empty studio with nothing but a yoga mat, water and a few light weights. Although Fusion does still advise certain equipment for their workouts, they are not necessary to follow the instructor through the workout.

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Sophie Henschel

Sophie Henschel
Entering her third year on Harbinger staff as Online-Editor-in-Chief and Social Media Editor, senior Sophie Henschel is ready and excited to jump into the big shoes she has to fill this year. Outside of Harbinger, Henschel nannies, chairs for SHARE and participates in AP courses through East. If she isn’t up editing a story, starting a design or finishing up her gov notes, you’ll probably find her hanging out with friends (with a massive coffee in hand). »

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