Hear how TikTok’s made its way to East from @groatatochip, @will.green, @ryangossick and Hunter Cooper

Co-Editor-in-Chief Ben Henschel brings on senior TikTokers Andrew Groat (@groatatochip), Will Green (@will.green), Ryan Gossick (@ryangossick) and Hunter Cooper to talk about how TikTok has trickled its way into everyday life in and out of East.

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Author Spotlight

Ben Henschel

Ben Henschel
(bhenschel.com) Senior Ben Henschel only has a few weeks left on staff, but he's holding on to every minute. As the 2019-20 Kansas Student Journalist of the Year, and runner-up National Journalist of the Year, he designed the current Harbinger site and manages published stories, as well as writing in-depths, local news and op-eds. He also runs broadcasts with the team, taking point on anchoring most games. Henschel is also in charge of promoting published content on The Harbinger's social media platforms. »

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