Gallery: Shawnee Mission East Class of 2023 Graduation

The class of 2023’s graduation ceremony was held on Tuesday, May 16 at SM North’s stadium. The ceremony recognized students with high achievements and called up every student to receive a diploma holder. Students wore cords and medals that represented different achievements. The following week, graduates could pick up their official diploma at SM East. Senior class president Paige Zadoo and senior class vice president Anna Mitchell both gave speeches to the class. After all students were honored with a diploma holder, the choir sang the school song one last time as the graduates sang along. The class then moved their cap tassels from right to left and tossed their caps in the air. Afterwards, a party with food and games for all graduating seniors was held at SM East.

Check out this gallery on Harbie Photo to purchase pictures from this event by clicking the link below:

5.16.23 SME Class of 2023 Graduation

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