Featured Performer: Isa Fimbres


Photo by Allison Stockwell 

Junior Isa Fimbres has been a part of theater since her freshman year and took on the role of Student Director for this year’s fall play, Our Town.

Q.What was it like being the student director of Our Town?

A. It was such a great experience. Our Town is my favorite play and in my opinion, a very influential play. The first two acts of the show kind of just basic day to day life for them. Then in the third act, the female lead dies and then realizes all of the little things she missed. It was really painful for her. It shows you how you need to appreciate life and notice the little things because you never know how much time you’re going to have with the ones you love.

Q. What was the best part of your experience with Our Town?

A. I got to watch how Cappy (Cappello) works with actors and doing blocking. I used that to block and work on characters with the actors in my own scene I got to direct. I learned so much and grew as a director and became even more attached to this story. I know this is an experience I will carry with me forever.

Q. Why did you apply to be a student director for Our Town?

A. I have been considering theater directing as my future career and I want to see what I would think of it and just if I was really in good at it turns out I am and I’m definitely thinking about doing it for the rest of my life. I just wanted to make sure it was something I enjoy.

Q. Are you considering continuing theater after high school?

A. I am really passionate about theater. I love acting, but I feel like I am better at the directing aspect of it even though I love being on stage. Since I can’t imagine life without theater I thought why not just continue it as a career. I am looking at Columbia College in Chicago right now. It is a really good theater school, so I am considering it.

Q. What has the experience going through the theater classes at East been like?

A. You get to learn so many different things throughout all the classes. You learn aspects of theater such as like drama, tech, writing, and directing. I am so excited to be in Advanced Repertory Theater next year. The family aspect of theater at East is so great. Everyone gets so close and that has been super cool to be a part of.

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