East Students Predict the Presidential Election Winner

Tensions rise as we get closer to finding out who will become– or remain– the President of the United States. We asked East students who they predict will win the 2020 election.

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Author Spotlight

Sydney Williams

Going into her seventh semester on staff, senior Sydney Williams is excited to serve as the Assistant Video Editor. If you can’t find her buried in her coziest blanket while being serenaded by the hissing sounds of Premiere Pro tearing up her MacBook, she’s either raging as she attempts to bowl a perfect game, binging her favorite animes while munching on japchae, shredding her Ibanez bass, or demolishing her brothers in Last of Us. As she is reminiscent of previous years, she hopes to finish her final year with a bang. »

Olivia Olson

Olivia Olson
With everything up in the air as ‘rona rages everywhere, senior Liv Olson has one constant she can count on: Harbinger. As her third year on staff kickstarts, Liv has her hands full as co-Head Broadcast Editor, Social Media Designer, and Multimedia Videographer. When it comes down to it, editing videos into the late hours of the night may not seem like something to look forward to, but you’d be wrong! Outside of journalism, Liv is involved in swim team, volleyball, SHARE, NHS, church youth group, and full schedule of AP classes. If you’re lucky, you might get the not-so-rare sight of her karaoke-ing to throwbacks in the car, lifeguarding, or tandem biking across downtown OP. »

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