Dear Lancers: Teachers not returning to teach next year say goodbye to East


SMEast – Thank you for allowing me to fill Room 128 with the joy of Geometry, and Algebra 2 the last three school years. It’s is a blessing to work alongside passionate and creative staff and build learning together with students. I have enjoyed designing blended learning, building Lego towers to model similar triangles, and throwing tennis balls to model parabolic motion. I hope these experiences remind each of you that math exists all around and it is beautifully designed. I’ve loved sharing my world map in our classroom and glimpses into cultures abroad! I might see you again, the next time you travel to Bogotá, Colombia!


THANK YOU, Lancers: The last eight years as a teacher and coach at Shawnee Mission East have had such a profound impact on my life, and it’s hard to believe it is truly over. Words cannot adequately describe how much I will miss being in the classroom with you all and watching you grow as individuals. Whether we were laughing our way through the question of the day, struggling our way through writing an essay, or “geeking out” together over rhetorical analysis (ok, I admit, that one was probably just me…), there have been so many wonderful moments that I will always cherish when looking back on my time at SME. I am proud to say I have been a part of this Lancer family, and I look forward to watching East continue on its path of excellence from afar. Keep up the good work!


I am truly privileged to have spent the last thirteen years at East and to have worked with so many amazing students and educators. I will miss East’s excellence, camaraderie, spirit, and many of the Lancer traditions like Lancer Day and singing the school song, but I will always be reminded of East whenever I’m in Ohio Stadium singing the alma mater. I may even sing the Lancer lyrics from time to time! Though this is a strange way to end my time with the Lancers, I’ll never forget that Lancers we will ever be, and it’s always great to be a Lancer. Thank you, East!


Dear SME,

As my 35-year teaching career ends, I take fond memories with me. I’ll remember celebrating student birthdays every month, Baby Think It Over, Mock Interview Day, Quilting Bees and, Interior Design open houses. I’ve taught over 12 different courses since I came to SME and over 30 different courses since I began my career. One thing I won’t miss after I retire is spending so many hours at home on schoolwork!

I know there are many things that I will miss however, such as preparing my classroom for the first day of school and watching the nervous freshmen parade through the gauntlet on their first day. I’ll also miss seeing the amazing projects created by students every day and the excited anticipation of a potential snow day as we await the announcement. I’ll also miss seeing all the seniors at graduation looking so mature and watching all my former students walk across the stage into their next phase of life. The thing I will miss most however, is hearing my students say “thank you Mrs. Cates” as they walk out the door each hour. So now it is my turn to say, “thank you Shawnee Mission East”.


Janel Cates


Hi Lancer Family,

It’s Mrs. Swiggity Swagg. It has been an incredible three years! Everyone at East feels like family and it is really hard to say goodbye to family. Writing this letter has brought tears to my eyes. My students know how much I enjoy teaching. The reason I love teaching so much is not only because I love math but because creating relationships with students is so rewarding. Every year I think I can’t bear to love another set of kids like I do these ones. But my heart grows larger and larger. My last year at East was for sure interesting, I was pregnant for the first few months, gone on maternity leave, and now Covid. The faculty and my students showed me so much support. I am going to miss my amazing students and East Faculty so much!!! Thank you for all the joy you have brought me the past three years.

 My favorite quote in class and life is, “If you are going to do something, then do it well.” No matter what you do Lancers, give it your all.

 Swiggity Swag Out!


Farewell from Mrs. Schauwecker!

In January I decided it was time to submit my resignation in order to formally retire at the end of the school year.  Sadly, the school year ended before I could personally express my appreciation to my students and the Shawnee Mission East community.

Therefore, I would like to say thank you to the students I have served over the past four years in Advisory, Biology, Global Issues, Anatomy and Physiology, and Introduction to Biotechnology.  I hope that each and every one of you will be happy, healthy, safe and successful.  I truly enjoyed watching you grow personally and academically over the course of each school year.

I am especially appreciative of all of the help and support I have received from the amazing parents/guardians, teachers, custodians, and administrators at SME.  It has been and honor to be part of your team!

Always a Lancer,

Mrs. S


For the past 34 years, I have been extremely proud to be a member of the Shawnee Mission East faculty!  Every time I tell people where I teach, I see a look of respect on their faces, which speaks volumes.  I’ve had so much fun being Categories sponsor, Pep Club sponsor, social studies teacher, and colleague.  Thinking back, I must say that every Monday morning I looked forward to the week ahead.  One can’t say that about many jobs!  I was eager to share a favorite film, tell a story about my tragic youth(actually it wasn’t that bad), watch the kids enjoy a simulation game, or listen to student comments about current trends(as an oldster, I was generally clueless; only recently did I learn about Tic Toc!).

People have often asked me why I got into teaching, and I usually reply, “Because I like working with young people.”  That includes the faculty as well as the students!  Everyone is younger than I am, and it’s a lot more fun listening to stories of young parents than listening to stories about hip replacements!

Farewell to all of you Lancers!  I have many, many wonderful memories, and don’t be too surprised if I may show up as a substitute one day! Mr. Paris


Dearest Lancers,

It’s been my honor to serve you as coordinator for the SHARE program the past six years. Though SME wasn’t my high school, I am a Lancer. I get goosebumps remembering first days of school, spirited assemblies, musical and theater performances, and my favorite, Senior Service Day. I’m so proud of your amazing academic achievements, your creativity, and especially your heart for serving your classmates and community. Continue to look for the need around you and imagine ways you can use your many gifts to help. The world needs you now more than ever and, as I always say, if not YOU, then who? 

I’ll miss hearing, “Hi, Mrs. Wiggins!” across the crowded hallways. But, I’ll carry your smiles, your spirit and your big hearts with me. Wish I could have given a few hugs, but consider this letter a big one!

Always a Lancer,

Krissie Wiggins



I am writing this with a heavy, saddened heart. Never would I have guessed that I would be leaving Shawnee Mission East High School without the opportunity to say goodbye to you all properly. Teaching Math these past 4 years at East has been an honor and a true joy- an experience that I will treasure forever! The East community is unlike any other, and it has been a privilege teaching, learning, coaching, and growing with you all.

To the class of 2020- You were supposed to be the first “graduating class” of my career as an educator. You are the first group of students that I have had the pleasure of working with from freshman year all the way through to graduation. It’s difficult to imagine not having a true graduation ceremony to celebrate this milestone with you.

I wish you all nothing but success and happiness as you move forward in life.

With love,

Mrs. Schaller

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Allison Wilcox

Beginning her fourth year on staff of the Harbinger, senior Allison Wilcox is excited to take on the new role of co-Head Copy Editor. She’s looking forward to having a busy schedule once again conducting interviews, editing stories and designing pages. Outside of Harbinger Wilcox is involved in tennis, DECA and SHARE. When she’s not working on Calc 3 or Spanish you can find her driving around aimlessly with friends, working or scrolling through TikTok. »

Rose Kanaley

Rose Kanaley
Starting her third and final year on staff, senior Rose Kanaley can’t wait to finish out her Harbinger career as co-Print-Editor-in-Chief. Also involved in the SHARE Executive Board, DECA, student council, NHS, lacrosse and a number of other extracurriculars, Rose loves to keep busy in and out of the j-room. She can’t wait to get back to her favorite Harbinger rituals of nap-breaks on the class couch during deadline week and post-deadline carpools — and of course being with her 70-person built-in family. »

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