‘Dash and Lily’ Review: A holiday review of Netflix’s new Christmas series

Looking for something to watch before my post Thanksgiving leftovers nap, I saw the new Netflix original “Dash and Lily” pop up on my home page. Since Thanksgiving was over, I was ready to get into the holiday spirit so I thought “why not?” and began binging. 

“Dash and Lily” is about two teenagers who live in New York City. Dash hates Christmas almost as much as the Grinch once did, but Christmas is Lily’s favorite time of the year and she spends it caroling around the city. Lily leaves clues in her red notebook around the city which Dash finds, and they begin passing notes with zero idea of who one another even are. They leave the notebook in different locations with clues as to where to place it next and hope to one day reveal themselves.

As with any Netflix Original, my expectations were pretty low. Their originals span from cheesy acting and cringeworthy plots to amazing stories and shows that should win countless awards — “Dash and Lily” was right in the middle for me.

Of course, it was a little rough in some spots and I felt like it was something I would’ve enjoyed as a seventh grader, but other parts of the series had great concepts and I thoroughly enjoyed watching.

Obviously, these young actors and actresses were no Brad Pitt and Meryl Streep. Not only was their acting a little awkward, but the script itself left me cringing in my bed. It didn’t make me want to turn off the show altogether, and the acting got better as the show progressed.

The idea behind “Dash and Lily” is so interesting to me and something I’d want to try out myself. The two even bump into one another and cross paths, not knowing they are the two behind the scenes writing to each other. 

The first episode had me hooked on the show right off the bat. I was interested to see where Dash and Lily actually ended up and if they would ever meet, especially with their polar opposite personalities. 

The characters lacked depth, and I felt like I didn’t really get to know them well, which made it harder to connect with them. 

Don’t get me wrong, I identified “the main character”, but it left me wondering where they came from, what led them to NYC and who they really were. 

Maybe it’s just me looking forward to the holidays and the Christmas spirit, especially in a time like this, but the show itself was interesting. 

It’s certainly something I would recommend to a friend for a day to cuddle under your covers and begin decorating your house in red and green.

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Anna Mitchell

Anna Mitchell
Senior Anna Mitchell is heading into her last year on The Harbinger staff as co-design editor and writer and is looking forward to trying out every aspect of The Harbinger before the end of her fourth and final year at East. When not scrolling through endless color palettes or adding to her fat Pinterest board of design ideas, Mitchell is most likely taking a drive to the nearest Chipotle to take a break away from her array of AP classes or after a fun soccer practice. She is also a part of NHS, SHARE, and NCL. While senior year is extra busy for Anna, she can’t wait to keep learning new skills on the J-room couch. »

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