“Clouds” Movie Review: Disney Plus’ new sob story based on an inspiring true story

“You don’t have to find out you’re dying to start living.”

This was 17-year old Zach Sobiech’s motto during his last days, where he created “Clouds”, his only song, which he used as a way to say goodbye. Diagnosed with Osteosarcoma Cancer, Disney’s new inspiring true story “Clouds” follows Sobiech’s last couple months of life spent pursuing his dreams.

He had a constant team rooting for him through his 24 rounds of chemotherapy, but this time his Osteosarcoma got the best of him — he was terminal.

Peyton Moore | The Harbinger Online

The doctors gave him six to ten months to live. With the thought of his last 18 to 20 weeks burning on his mind, Zack hopes that he can finish his senior year and walk the stage at graduation. His girlfriend and the love of his life, Amy, prayed for Zach to make it to the senior prom. Zach could only ask himself how he wanted to say goodbye.

Zack’s wave-goodbye song went viral, becoming the number one song on iTunes top hits. The Youtube video for Zach’s first single, “Clouds” gathered national attention when its 20,000 views over doubled in a matter of days. Congratulatory phone calls from family and friends turned into interviews for newspapers and magazines.With all this buzz, Zach’s band The Firm Handshake caught the attention of one of the top music producers in the business — BMI. While this story seemed unrealistic and exaggerated, I couldn’t help but smile from ear to ear when I saw the excitement on the bands faces.

Zack’s band, A Firm Handshake, signed with BMI. This gave him the opportunity to record his song, “Clouds,” which reached the iTunes top hits the same day as the bagpipes whirled at his funeral, releasing his soul into heaven on May 20, 2013.

Queue the tears and grab your tissues because this movie is a whirlwind of emotion. Seeing Zach’s pure happiness when hearing his music on the radio for the first time was my favorite part of the whole film. He persevered through his pain and lived his dream.

After “Clouds” was released, Zach explained that he “wanted to be known as the kid who went up fighting and didn’t really lose.”

Another factor of the movie is something that applies to everyone watching — The Zach Sobiech Osteosarcoma Fund. Established before Zach’s band became popular, the fund for Children’s Cancer Research has now raised over two million dollars. You can donate at childrenscancer.org. After the credits rolled and I wiped away my tears my mom donated my week’s allowance straight to the fund.

This movie’s plot could make your stone-cold uncle wail. Watching Zach’s dreams unfold while his life simultaneously deteriorates is nothing but bittersweet. Disney tricked us again in this heart throbbing film.

Peyton Moore | The Harbinger Online

Before his fame, Zach’s singing career consisted mostly of “Sexy And I Know It” mashups performed on the school stage, solely to embarrass his mother. Not only did he accomplish that, but shortly after his jubilant performance Amy Adamle slid into his Facebook DMs. And they lived every girl’s dream high school — I love you, you love me — relationship, with no regrets. They gave all of their love to one another because in Zach’s eyes, Amy was the one and only love of his life.

Instant tears came rolling down my cheeks every time someone said the recurring phrase “for life.” For some, “for life” seems like an infinite amount of time with an infinite amount of memories, endless opportunities and limitless dreams. But for Zach, there was no infinity. Instead of planning his graduation party, Zach plans his funeral and chooses the bagpipe tunes that will release him into heaven.

Zach’s story will remind you that your days don’t have to be numbered before you start living. As Zach put in, “Don’t wait for tomorrow to live for today.”

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Peyton Moore

Peyton Moore
Print Co-Editor-in-Chief, senior Peyton Moore can’t believe this is her final year tormenting the Harbinger staff as her second family. Peyton is overly excited to push Francesca and Tate over the edge with her scattered brain and her constant chatter this year. If you can’t find Peyton drooling over a font, she'll be screaming her heart out in the student section, practicing role plays for DECA or trying to convince Anna to love her dog, Louie, as much as she does. But if you do find her in the J-room, take extreme caution as she might have just accidentally deleted her page for the third time or entered a psychotic-like state after spending more time on the back desktop than her own bed. »

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