Can’t Connect: Students struggle with VPN and wifi connectivity during at-home continuous learning

With working and learning from home as the only option amidst the COVID-19 lockdown, internet connectivity is being put to the test. 

VPN connectivity issues have been a recurring problem throughout the school year, and have only escalated due to the high number of students completing class work from home.

One of the most essential tools for online learning requires the most internet connection — Zoom, a video-chat platform for teachers to hold virtual classes with students. Connecting to Zoom calls has been difficult for students as it’s not supported or adapted by the district, so ICT cannot help resolve those issues. 

The Ford family noticed delayed Wifi connectivity on March 30, the day online school started.

With two siblings now tackling college courses online and both parents working from home, junior Jane Ford has been struggling to connect to online Zoom calls and finish online assignments.

“It’s been rough trying to schedule Zoom calls because it will cut somebody out because the Wifi can’t handle it,” Ford said. 

Ford said Zoom has been the biggest problem as far as online school goes, since she never knows if the screen will freeze on her.

“Zoom is not supported,” SMSD Technical Support Team Leader Eric Haake said.

WebEx is most supported by the district, but Zoom is being used more. Issues are being found when using Zoom because when any problems arise during a Zoom call, ICT cannot provide assistance. Unlike if you were using WebEx because this is the platform the district adapted.

A small fix to the problems faced on Zoom and WebEx calls is to eliminate or reduce the video option when joining a call. And if possible, limit video and streaming services and apps that require any internet connection to reserve bandwidth and internet speed, according to Haake. 

Beyond newer problems students are facing with Zoom, familiar VPN problems are still making it hard for students to complete their work from home, such as having to reschedule oral Spanish exams due to connection issues or VPN blocking access to online college tours.  

Assistant principal Britton Haney recommends that students who constantly struggle with VPN issues fill out a help ticket. If there are problems with connecting to Wifi in general, he suggests contacting local providers. 

If students have noticed slow connection, an option to take is switching providers or buying an additional router to strengthen connection. 

The Ford family switched providers to Spectrum, which offers a stronger connection from their country-wide hotspots, as well as a discount for students and teachers.

“Slow connectivity is a relatively new issue and is something that a lot of people are seeing, not just SMSD students,” Haake said. “The backbone of the internet is seeing an immense amount of traffic from so many people in the country, and around the world, working from home. People may also have platform specific issues because of the increased demand.”

The internet is crashing due to the amount of traffic it’s currently getting, according to Haake. The key to dealing with these internet issues is patience and understanding. 

“This is an extraordinary time,” Haake said. “Systems just were not built to handle the enormous work loads that are now being placed on Internet and provider services.”

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Sydney Decker

Sydney Decker
With it being her third year on the Harbinger staff as Facebook and Twitter Editor, Staff Writer and Social Media Staffer, senior Sydney Decker is thrilled to get back in the swing of things. Sydney is looking forward to documenting this crazy year and sharing the stories of our students to bring the school and community together during this time of separation. If she’s not typing away, Sydney can be found at soccer practice, attempting to learn 3 languages on Duolingo, jamming out on the piano, or shopping for some vinyls to add to her record collection. At East, Sydey also participates in SHARE, choir, youth government, DECA and soccer. She loves Avatar, espresso shots, Frank Sinatra, pictures of baby cows and frogs and John Mulaney. »

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