Breaking News: MORP dance postponed

Tonight’s MORP dance has been postponed to a later date this month.

“We decided in the best interest of respecting all students that we would postpone having a dance at this time,” Student Council sponsor and history teacher Brenda Fishman said.

StuCo is working on rescheduling the dance sometime this month, but they are unsure about when they are having it, according to Student Body President and senior Jack Kessler. Though all proceeds go to the Johnson County Christmas Bureau, students can receive ticket refunds by contacting bookkeeper Joan Burnett. Tickets purchased in advance will be honored at the rescheduled date. 

“We’re looking forward to having a dance and enjoying a social event that all students at East will be able to attend and enjoy at a later date,” Fishman said.

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Maggie Kissick

Maggie Kissick
Senior Maggie Kissick is ready to jump into her third and final year on Harbinger. As Co-Online-Editor-in-Chief and Social Media Editor, she spends more time tormenting Aanya and Bridget in the J-room than with her own family. And although she’d love to spend all her time designing social media posts or decoding Tate’s edits, Maggie stays involved as a cheer captain, Link Leader, East Ambassador, SHARE chair, NHS member and swimmer. She’s also a lover of long drives with no particular destination in mind, a Taylor Swift superfan and a connoisseur of poke bowls. »

Aanya Bansal

Aanya Bansal
Entering her final year on the Harbinger as Online Co-Editor-in-Chief and Co-Head Copy Editor, senior Aanya Bansal is excited to update the website and continue to write new stories and meet new people. When she’s not busy brainstorming story ideas and receiving Tate edits, you can find her singing along to Taylor Swift, practicing her volleys on the tennis court, volunteering as a SHARE chair or spending time with friends. Aanya is a devoted pickleball club member and is also involved in NHS and Link Crew. »

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