Blog: Packing “Pro”

There comes a time in every young adult’s life when their parents will no longer pack their suitcases for them. At this moment of horror we teenagers step out of the realm of childhood and into the world of adults. And it sucks.Packing may be one of my least favorite things ever. This is due to the fact that I simply do not know what I want to wear next week. What if, by some magical occurrence, I am struck by the fancy to only wear polka dots or blue? Or what if I go to some far off place where the weather report said sunny skies for three weeks and it ends up raining for a month straight when all I packed were short sleeves and skirts?

Planning ahead has never been my strong suit so when forced to sit down with my suitcase I often find myself staring at it in hatred for a good 15 minutes before moving on to the closet. From there it is a 20 minute hand-on-hip stance staring at the clothes, wondering which outfits are the most versatile and which will end up in a corner, never being worn.

After yanking the poor pieces out of my closet comes another unforgiving task. Aimlessly shoving everything into my bag and trying to fit it all in. Most of the time my bag ends up lopsided and awkwardly bulging. Sometimes it ends up needing two people to sit on it in order for it to close. Other times I beg my mom to please just help me fold the clothes properly. No matter what, eventually the job gets done.

Of course unpacking everything in a neat and tidy fashion can be just as difficult, but that’s a story for another blog.

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