Blog: Mixed to Perfection

My dad has been giving me mix tapes since before iPods could shuffle. The funny thing is, I never appreciated them until about two years ago. When I got my car and noticed its lack of iPod jack I started digging out the old mixes my dad had been giving me all these years.

As I started listening to the mixes more and more, my dad began handing me CDs more frequently. The other morning for instance, my dad placed a CD with “Poor Edgar 2.0” written on it in my hand.

Half way through my winding drive to school through Mission Hills I popped in the CD. Expecting some Edgar Allan Poe themed jams I wasn’t too surprised by the rock n’ roll version of “The Tell-Tale Heart.” On the other hand, when Willem Dafoe started reciting “The Raven” with no background music I did a double take.

But after about three seconds I realized how incredibly typical of my dad that song choice was. My dad is the guy whose mix CDs have names like “Heart’s Filthy Lesson,” an album with Cake’s version of “Never, Never Gonna Give You Up” (a cover of a Barry White song) as well as Nine Inch Nails’ song “Closer.”

My dad’s mix tapes are now the only thing that play in my car. They are constantly on repeat not only because they are awesome but also because they hold so many memories. We played the “October People” mix every night I had rehearsals for “Night of the Living Dead” and “A Shiny Toy Mix” is our jam session of choice for long car rides to Hutchinson.

I’m beyond grateful for my dad’s weird taste in music and so glad that he is kind enough to take the time to share it with me. Whereas I used to shudder when he tried to hand me a new mix I am now begging for more. So next time you see me jamming in my car, don’t be surprised if I’m singing the words to an Edgar Allan Poe poem.

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