Blog: A Republican Prediction

The Republicans are scrambling, and scrambling in different directions at that. With presidential nominations nearing, the 2012 Republican candidate is not only unclear, but also critical to politics in the next ten years. When contenders for the nomination include such a wide array of extremely polarizing figures, something is wrong. The Republican party is broken and it will take a miracle for unification by 2012. 

The knight in shining armor might not yet be a known player. There are countless young politicians that I think could make a run in an ideal world but realistically they stand no chance in the current political climate. Bobby Jindal sits at the top of my list. Unfortunately, this politician is too different from the people he would represent. A vast majority of Republicans are stuck in the past and not looking forward to the future. A young candidate is unlikely, and so is a woman. Sarah Palin is no more of a contender than most candidates that have never been in the spotlight.

Here is what Republicans would do if they wanted to successfully set up for the future:
– Pick a young candidate with experience. Republicans have not answered the pleas of young voters and by putting up mainly white males for the presidential candidate, they have turned off first time voters. This candidate should not have experience in D.C., but at the state level. This gives them an “outsider” point of view.
– Pick a candidate that can give a good speech and pull in undecided voters. Persuasion is the key in this election.
– Pick a candidate that will answer questions. Politics as usual is not the way Republicans should go. People are searching for answers, and a definite answer is better than nothing.

If Republicans want to stand a chance in the 2012 presidential election they need to embrace Obama’s platform of change. Change is for the better for Republicans, and they need to be ready to embrace that fact.

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