Beyond the Music

I’m going to be honest with you.

I’m not sure I could go an entire day without listening to or playing a little thing called music. Music can change lives. Music can change people. And ever since I was a kid I’ve enjoyed listening to music. Even though I dislike country a little now, my earliest memory of music was listening to Shania Twain and the Dixie Chicks in the car with my mom on the way home from my Uncle Tim’s house.

I listen to a wide variety of music. Even though alternative continues to be my favorite, I enjoy listening to a little 2pac every once in a while and I even like to get my jazz fix with a little of the Duke (Ellington that is). I like to take a journey back in time to listen to by boy Jimi and go to the Dark Side of the Moon with Pink Floyd. Oh yeah. I ride the Crazy Train every now and then, and Taylor Swift is my girl. Anyway, I play the guitar now and have for about two and a half years, and it’s safe to say I’m obsessed with it. Every day after school I go home. Sit down. Pick it up and play for at least an hour. If I even see a guitar sitting somewhere I pick it up and start to play a John Mayer song. It’s almost a disease. And of course, I never take the medicine.

I once met a guy named Jerry who said that music was pointless and a waste of time. That listening to it was only necessary if you were killing time. This man was a complete fool. But his preposterous remarks got me thinking about a world with no music. No singing. No dancing. No yodeling. I became distressed. If such a world existed, what would give you that extra boost on a crappy day? Like after you got made fun of for looking like a dinosaur? Or the time you dropped your pencil in front of the beautiful girl Sandra who you were trying to impress, but by the look on her face, you’re clearly not wooing her anytime soon.

So lets put all the cards on the table for a second. After something as devastating as that, who wouldn’t look forward to listening to Jason “Sunshine” Mraz? Or The Beatles? Because if such a world existed then after crappy days we would have to face the silence and we’d never get our mind off of the bad and focus on the good. There are also the times when you need to get pumped for a game. If your like me, you have a playlist already made for the bus ride to the game consisting of an epic Kanye and Jay-Z combo. Or even the times when you want to just chill out and listen to some of The Fray or Coldplay. All of the genre’s of music are like socks. One fits for every occasion.

The point is, music is one thing in this world that will never go away. And thats a good thing. Because lets face it – if music didn’t exist in the first place, the world would be quiet and boring and lifeless, like Jerry. So, if you want to woo Sandra, who you have been dying to ask out but you’re too afraid because you know she knows you have lackadaisical pencil twirling skills, try reading this blog and get some conversation starters. What’s your favorite artist doing? Where is your favorite band now? How good was their last album? Who’s better: The Rollings Stones or The Beatles? Is a Mandolin a manly instrument to play? Or you could read this blog, forget about the girls, and just concentrate on the music. The one thing we all look forward to in life.

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