Artist of the Week: Anna Danciger

Name: Anna Danciger

Grade: 12

How She Started: “I started when I moved here from California in 6th grade. My friend gave me a notebook and I began writing in it because it was the one solid thing in life amid so many changes. I didn’t start taking writing seriously until high school though.”

Blue pen, spiral notebooks, sharpies and highlighters for the titles

What She Writes: “I strive to write pieces that make people think. I want to force them to think about it once they’ve finished a piece. I really like writing for shock value.”

Inspired By: “I don’t get my inspiration from other writers, more from circumstances in my life.”

Future Plans: Majoring in Screenwriting in college

For You
You gave me an evident truth,
And oh, how I hope it is.
My lack of acknowledgment is sickening;
My gleeful bliss
To just be near you.
You give me more,
And like the confused child I am,
I look right past it.
Forever in regret.

Concerning Tattoos, Cigarettes, And Conformity
Sometimes it’s just easier to bury your head in the sand
Or cover your skin in stories
Or fill your mouth with smoke
And just be
Leave your courage where you found it and don’t bother looking for it again
It won’t be there
Endless days of counting and waiting make for a sad life
But a life, nonetheless
The running, the laughing, the chaos
Someday it will stop
It has to stop
A light goes off
And that’s when you know
You never begin once your end
You have one chance t tell a story with your skin
And then destroy it with the smoke

90s Music and Expo Markers
I’m a creep,
I’m a weirdo
Kurt Cobain is dead
the 90s are back
angry birds
purple words
half the page
new age
green and sage
on my nails
my painted nails
Nine Inch Nails
Kevin Spacey
cops and rain
rain and cops
both are blue
what to do?
with a lo-
ser like Beck
teen pop
album drop
back in the game
sounds the same
no one to blame
but U
who wrote One
plus six is S-E-Seven-E-N
plus 83
is the 90s
they’re back
did I mention that?
Seattle grunge
boy bands
Red Hot Chili Peppers
red peppers

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