April Fools’ Pranks with Morgan


This prank is one of the more “dirty” pranks — and I mean that literally. To successfully pull off this prank all you need is a toilet, some saran wrap and a person who you have been dying to prank. If you are wanting to do this prank at school, make sure no one is around in the bathroom when you are executing it or else they will know it was you. Go into the stalls, lift up the toilet seat and securely place saran wrap around the bowl. Once you have done this, wait around in the bathroom for your victim to come in. When they sit down to do their business, they will get quite the surprise in return.


The good ole rubberband on the faucet trick: a classic. Before someone in your family goes to wash their hands or do the dishes try this one out. Put a rubber band around the “push button” of a spray nozzle so that way the button will stay down, then point it forward. The next person who uses the sink will be a wet mess.


For some odd reason that I will never understand, most people hate mayonnaise. I, for one, think it is fantastic, but that’s beside the point. This prank is pretty self explanatory and always has people freaking out. All you have to do is take a bottle of lotion, empty it out and fill it with mayo. I suggest you tell the person you are pranking that their face is looking dry so then when they lather themselves up they will not be smelling lavendar, lotion-y goodness, but the smell of mayonnaise.


This is one of the more advanced pranks on my list — you have to be a true prankster to go to the lengths required to pull this one off. First, find a bucket and some marbles. Any sized bucket will do. Once you’ve filled the bucket up, set it on top of one of the blades of the ceiling fans in your living room or common family area. Make sure you put a shirt over the bucket to disguise it and right as your family member goes to turn the fan on — BOOM! Marbles go flying everywhere.


The prank call is an essential at all slumber parties. I think that everyone has pulled a prank call once or twice in their life. Prank calling is the most lenient prank out there, ranging from the “is your refrigerator running? well you better go get it!” to the “hello, your 40 barrels of mustard are ready for pickup.” Prank calling will allow you to do the prank and keep your identity secret — just DON’T FORGET to dial *67 first.


This is one of the oldest pranks in the book. The magical moving dollar bill. This trick works best outdoors. Attach a dollar bill to the end of a little string or fishing line. Wait behind a wall or bush for someone to try and grab the dollar off the ground. As soon as they are reaching for it, move it just an inch away from them, and keep doing this as they try to capture the dollar bill. This prank is sure to drive the “prankee” berzerk.


Really, this prank is self explanatory and is one of the simplest pranks out there. Just put salt on the prankee’s toothbrush and wait for them to start brushing to see their reaction if you can’t be in the room to see their reaction, I suggest putting a recording device in the corner of the room so you can get the footage after the prank is pulled and re-watch the persons reaction over and over. Let’s just say it won’t be pretty.


We teenagers now-a-days are always glued to our phones, so it’s a stomach-dropping moment when you realize your phone is missing. Steal your friend’s phone and tape it underneath a table or chair, but make sure the ringer is turned on. Then start calling them while keeping your phone hidden. This will drive them nuts when they realize that it is their phone ringing and it is nowhere to be found.

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