Xavier Mann: Senior Xavier Mann is preparing to enter the military after high school

Senior Xavier Mann never has time to waste. He wakes up at 5 a.m. and starts his day with an hour-long run. Then he’s only got around an hour to shower and get ready for school. Once school’s out, it’s time to lift weights in the gym for a solid 90-minute session followed by his additional strength training. After all that, he’s got another cardio session.

But his routine is nothing compared to the strenuous physical combat training at Fort Leonard Wood — the army base Xavier will call home when he enlists in the army on June 18.

“I don’t see myself being able to work a nine-to-five at a desk or something,” Xavier said. “I just wanted something different that I know I’m not going to be used to so I can experience something challenging but different.”

Although Xavier’s staunch routine prepares him for the physical aspect of the army, he’s also been getting ready for the mental toll. Distancing himself from his family members by keeping to himself more often when at home, allows him to get used to his future independence.

“I’m just trying to get into the mindset where I have to be comfortable with what is going to be happening,” Xavier said. “It sounds bad but I’m not trying to make the relationship stronger than it is because I know I am going to be gone for a while.”

When Xavier first told his mom Kimberly Smith about his military plans, she got teary-eyed and emotional, knowing that her son would be leaving. After taking some time Kimberly has accepted Xavier’s goals but still struggles with him enlisting in June.

“I tell my children, ‘I don’t care how old you are, you’re still my baby,’ and because he’s always been around me, for him to go somewhere else is going to be hard,” Kimberly said. “So I’ll keep reminding myself he’s gonna be OK.”

Xavier won’t be the first family member to serve in the military — his aunt, uncle and grandfather have all done service in the Army and Navy. Xavier’s experienced family members have given him a better understanding of what to expect when enlisting.

“I wouldn’t say I’m completely prepared for it because I don’t think you really could prepare for it,” Xavier said. “But I know that there are going to be a lot of sudden changes that I have to be quick to react to and I can’t react the wrong way or it could impact me physically or mentally, and I’m going to try to prepare myself for that also.”

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Luciana Mendy

Luciana Mendy
Entering her second year on the Harbinger staff as an Assistant Online Editor, Assistant Copy Editor, Social Media staff member and Writer, junior Luciana Mendy is looking forward to intense but fun deadlines. When Luciana isn’t stressing over an interview or editing a story you can find her playing soccer, binging “Brooklyn 99” or practicing the art of procrastination when it comes to her calculus homework. »

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