This Friday, Oct. 3, the highly acclaimed author of “Thirteen Reasons Why,” Jay Asher, will be visiting East. He will speak during two different 45 minute assemblies in seminar on the topic of bullying. Asher is currently on a 50-state tour, visiting only one school in each state. Librarian Kathleen Knop arranged Asher to come to East by working with Rainy Day Books’ author events.
Asher’s best seller “Thirteen Reasons Why” is based on the story of a teenage girl who commits suicide. Before she kills herself, the main character, Hannah Baker, records herself on tape explaining thirteen reasons why she does it. Her intention was for her entire class to listen to the tapes.
Asher began these talks on bullying in response to the comments he was getting from his readers about bullying.
“Things that kids say in high school, you just never know how it affects you,” Knop said. “Everyone can relate to it and has a situation that they have been through, either they have said something they wish they wouldn’t have, or they have been in a situation where someone said something to them which was very hurtful, or they haven’t done anything. So I think it relates to everybody on those levels.”
During his visit, students have the opportunity to get books autographed. To do so, drop off a personal copy in the library to Mrs. Knop with your name written on a sticky note, and you can get your book signed. For any more specific information on Jay Asher, refer to Mrs. Knop.
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