The concept of horoscopes has always puzzled me. How dare the position of Jupiters’ moons correlate to my love life in any way? If you ask me its all a bunch of mumbo jumbo that just doesn’t make sense. However, a couple of friends of mine seem to be hypnotized by their daily life foretellings. So I decided to see what all the hype was about.
For one school week I looked at my horoscope each day using an app on my phone called Daily Horoscope. I tried to see how they applied to my life and if I could relate in any way. From reading them I have learned some somewhat valuable life lessons. Nothing earth shattering or individual to my character by any means, but somewhat valuable nonetheless.
“Today, even though it may go against your rebellious nature, you have to play the game if you want to win something you should be able to win without playing.”
Analysis: I understood this horoscope pretty well. It is basically saying you have to work within the system to change the system. I hate to say it, but to go places in life you have to be a bit of a big kiss-ass. It doesn’t matter how qualified you are for a job if your prospective employer doesn’t like your attitude or composure. So play to your strengths but keep in mind what your superiors want, because without their approval, you’re not going anywhere.
“You must take a recent setback as a lesson learned, and move on. That’s right- move on. Don’t dwell on it. Don’t ask others about it. Don’t waste your time fantasizing about all the “what ifs.” Move on.
Analysis: When bad things happen to me, I tend to go over every detail over and over until eventually something worse happens to take my mind off of it. I think about everything I did wrong and what I could have done differently. I obsess over every flaw. So when I saw this horoscope I could really relate. But I feel like a lot of other people can relate too. There are a lot of us out there that worry about things we can’t do anything about, and this is good advice for all of us. We just need to remind ourselves that it just isn’t worth our time to worry about those insignificant things.
“It’s about time that you started collecting some of the debts that people owe you. Whether you loaned someone some money, or if you provided a valuable service to someone, it’s time to make it clear that there’s a bill to pay.”
Analysis: I can relate to this one wholeheartedly. Far too often I find myself having to spot friends who never seem to have their money with them when we make a Chipotle or Starbucks run.
But this doesn’t happen just with money. I’m still waiting impatiently for my blue Nike shorts to be returned to me. And what ever happened to my black cardigan? But I can’t talk about this as if I don’t owe any of my own debts. I still need to pay my friend back for cans for the Bachelor Auction (sorry Maggie!)
“You have been running at a frantic pace, just trying to keep things in order and fulfill your obligations. Happily, though, things will calm down soon and you’ll have a nice breather.”
Analysis: With finals right around the corner, I think every student at East can relate to this one. Juggling school, volleyball, Harbinger and babysitting on the side has become quite the challenge. I find myself haphazardly rushing through work in the wee hours of the night before it’s due the next day and falling asleep in class the following morning. Not to mention the three hours that volleyball takes out of valuable study time three times a weeks. I’m running on empty, to say the least. Winter break will be a highly appreciated hiatus. I’m ready to relax at home for 14 blissful days.
“You can’t please all of the people all of the time. But in your efforts to please and impress, just be sure that you don’t give up something or change something that will wind up making you unhappy later on.”
Analysis: Over the years I have learned that no matter how hard you try, how well you do, or how nice you are, there will always be someone who isn’t happy with you. Don’t get me wrong: I love when people are happy, but I know I’ll be criticized by at least one person on whatever I do. So why try so hard? Like they say, “life is short,” so why not please myself first off? I’d rather live my life doing things that make me happy than live for someone else. I’d love for everyone to be pleased all of the time, and believe me if I could achieve this, I’d definitely try. But I can’t, and no one can, so why stress?
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