Author Spotlight
Elise Madden

Entering her third year on harbinger as the head photo editor Elise is excited to take on the year with her co editor Maggie Merckens. Outside of harbinger Elise is involved in lacrosse, deca, student store, link crew, and AP classes. If she’s not taking photos on the sidelines of games, at dance, or babysitting you can find her with her laptop watching movies and shows in her room, or going to get sushi with her friends. »
Elle Karras

Junior Elle Karras is excited to be going into her second semester on Harbinger as the Mobile Media Photo Editor. Along with Harbinger, she enjoys traveling, trips to coffee shops, volunteering, and jamming out to music with her friends. »
Megan Stopperan

Junior Megan Stopperan is a Head Photo Mentor and going into her second year on staff. She is involved with SHARE, Girls Golf, and Orchestra at East. If you can’t find her at East or taking pictures, she’s probably at the golf course. »
Grace Allen

Entering her third and final year on Harbinger, Senior Grace Allen is a Photo Mentor and Social Media staffer and couldn’t be more excited to help new photographers on staff and learn more about photography. Outside of Harbinger, Grace is very involved at East with lacrosse, DECA, and Student Store. She also works and babysits during her free time as well as hanging out with friends and family. »
Morgan Woods

Sophomore Morgan Woods is excited to be starting her first year on Harbinger as a Staff Photographer. Along with newspaper, at SME she plays tennis, participates in track, and is involved in choir. Outside of school, she loves to ski and enjoys traveling. »
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