No to the Snow: The United States needs to be more tolerant of Seasonal Affective Disorder

Never-ending days, unproductive weekends and racing from cars into school to avoid frostbite are a few of the unfortunate repercussions of winter shared by many high schoolers.

But for those diagnosed with Seasonal Affective Disorder, informally known as seasonal depression, winter can cause low energy, intense over-eating and even suicidal ideation, according to Mayo Clinic

Society needs to be more accepting towards the unfortunate prevalence of SAD in order to help those affected cope with their symptoms, in order to help them get through winter.  

Although none of my peers, family, or myself are specifically diagnosed with SAD, everyone that I interact with in the winter appears to be incredibly agitated. So much that you would think they drank a quart of rotten milk. 

Scientists at the National Institute of Mental Health have linked the hours of daylight to serotonin levels in the brain, which means that people who live further north are more likely to develop seasonal depression due to their lack of sunlight in the winter. 

Even though Kansas is technically considered in the center of the U.S., our unpredictable weather and long winter days can cause mood swings. While I’m not diagnosed with SAD, during the winter, if I don’t have a snack at 2 p.m., you might as well not speak to me until dinner. 

SAD’s prevalence in any state with below freezing temperatures has made me painfully aware of the lacking understanding that SAD can affect every aspect of the diagnosed individual’s life and the lives of everyone who interacts with them.

Dogs can even exhibit feelings of tiredness and withdrawal during winter with their own unofficial version of seasonal depression, dubbed “Canine Seasonal Affective Disorder.” 

SAD is a genuine problem, not just a lame excuse for teenagers to look forward to their spring breaks. It’s so common that even our dogs can feel like the world is ending and go through feelings of sadness and exhaustion over the long winter days. 

Though only 5% of Americans are officially diagnosed, according to The Miami Herald, millions of people experience SAD and people’s cases vary depending on how severe the symptoms are. 

Christopher Long | The Harbinger Online

Whether or not winter makes you depressed and exhausted, the season will have an effect whether it’s feelings of isolation or dread over the snow making your socks saturated with ice cold water as you race to your car in the cold. 

If you aren’t given the opportunity to escape the arctic temperatures and visit a tropical destination to safely count down the days until spring, winter can seriously affect every aspect of your life. 

Thanks in part to the internet, there are dozens of methods to fight winter’s depressive effects. 

The Center for Environmental Therapeutics claims special lamps that simulate natural light are the best cure and others swear by the effectiveness of spending time with family.

But if you don’t feel like spending up to $300 for a light therapy lamp, I’ve found relief in taking Vitamin D supplements, making the most of the few sunny days that winter offers and exercising regularly. 

While solutions are certainly available, our culture needs to accept the amount of people diagnosed with SAD and offer sympathy. Whether that’s a kind word or giving them space we need to address seasonal affective disorder as opposed to ignoring its naturality.

Whether it’s understanding that your chemistry lab partner is struggling to cope with endless winter days and a mountain of school work or your sibling who can’t wait to see winter in the rearview mirror, we must acknowledge and accept the toll winter takes on all of us.

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