Looking Back: Seniors review their past years at East and give advice to underclassman

Josh Tilton:

Q: What were some of your favorite classes you took at East and why?

A: “My favorite classes that I have taken at East are definitely marketing one and two. Both are a lot of fun and offer a lot of opportunities, such as DECA state and selling ads for the Harbinger during school days. I also feel that these classes have taught me a lot about the business world.”

Q: What courses would you recommend for underclassmen and why?

A: “Intro to business is a good one because you need it in order to take a few other classes in the future, including marketing. I would recommend trying something new to see if you like it, or doing the prerequisites for a class you may want to take as an upperclassman.”

Q: Would you recommend challenging yourself as an underclassman?

A: “As a freshman, you have three whole years ahead of you, so I would recommend taking the harder classes to see if you can handle them. You can always drop down to the easier classes if you decide they are not for you. Harder classes also help prepare you for the classes you’ll take as an upperclassman and college student.”

Q: What advice would you give an underclassman about their future years at East?

A: “Stay focused on and prioritize academics. Grades and GPA are important for applying to college and you need to stay on top of them all four years of high school. Besides that, try to not let the stress of school get the best of you and try making new friends and trying new things.”

Anna Heide:

 Q: What were some of your favorite classes you took at East and why?

A: “My favorite classes are choir, art and international relations. It’s also nice to not have to do actual school work for the sixth and seventh hour. Art is the same way, it’s super relaxing and a great way to express yourself without adding on stress to your schedule. International relations was fun because all the content was really interesting and relevant.”

Q: Would you recommend harder or easier classes for the average underclassman?

A: “It honestly depends on the person. For me, I am a really bad test taker. So I took easy classes where tests don’t matter much for your final grade. This way, I do extremely well in classes and can keep my GPA up for scholarships.”

Q: What would you recommend an underclassman should do, so they can have the ideal next few years at East?

A: “I would recommend taking the necessary electives first, also known as financial [literacy], health and P.E. After that you can try anything. I love choir and art classes, but foods is a classic, fun class. What I’m trying to say is get the boring ones done first so you can take the fun ones when you’re an upperclassman.”

Q: What advice would you give an underclassman about their future years at East?

A: “I would say don’t take anything for granted. I wish I had really cherished every basketball game and event before they all went away.”

Libby Hise:

Q: What extracurriculars were you a part of that you would recommend to an underclassman?

A: “SHARE is the largest student-led volunteer program in the country. It is always so fun and feels good to volunteer and give back. DECA was one of the best education I got through school because it prepares you for pressure, interviews or anything and real life marketing. I don’t know if choir is considered one but it’s so fun and builds confidence”.

Q: What classes do you think helped you the most and why?

A: “Digital design taught me so much, and it…helped me get into the student store position which has been the one class at East that has definitely taught me the most. Managing real money and a store is the most real life lesson you will get through East.” 

Q: What is something you will miss about East?

A: “I have missed the environment of seeing all of my teachers and classmates, and meeting new people in your home community everyday. I will miss the dances, football, basketball, soccer [and] lacrosse games the most. Those were all unifying events with your school that were just happy and cheerful no matter what was happening in your life at the time.”

Q: Was there anything you wish you could have participated in that you didn’t get to?

A: I wish I applied for StuCo because I enjoy being apart of leadership programs in East. I actually got into most everything I wanted to at East, and I absolutely loved it because I learned so many life lessons and met so many new people. 

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