Gallery: Link Day

Link Day is the first day for freshmen held on Aug. 13 and includes relay races and activities to introduce freshmen to the school. The day started off with all freshmen meeting in the cafeteria before getting in groups with their Link Leaders. Link Leaders are juniors and seniors who apply the year prior to be selected. After meeting their Link Leaders the freshmen play games and dress up in themed costumes such as ducks following a piece of bread, wizards and many more in classrooms across the school. After the Link Leaders give the freshmen a tour of the school they are brought back into the main gym for a pep assembly including games such as balloon relay races and learning school chants. Finally the freshmen went to all of their seven classes to meet their teachers and classmates.

Check out this gallery on Harbie Photo to purchase pictures from this event by clicking the link below:

8.13.24 Link Day

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Will Griffith

Will Griffith
Junior Will Griffith is starting his third year as a photographer on staff as an assistant photo editor. When he's not scrambling to edit photos or check galleries, he is most likely on the soccer field in goal or the football field kicking and punting. Will loves spending his Saturday mornings watching premier league games and then watching college football the rest of the day. Will is excited to start the new challenge of an assistant photo editor and ready for the new role. »

Caroline Hoffman

Caroline Hoffman
Sophomore Caroline Hoffman is excited to start her second year on the Harbinger staff as a staff photographer. You will often find Caroline practicing dances for her studio and dance team and taking photos of her friends with her mini camera. Caroline loves hanging out with friends, volunteering through NCL (National Charity League). Caroline can’t wait to show how truly amazing Shawnee Mission East is through her camera. »

Katie Cook

Katie Cook
Junior Katie Cook is elated to be working as a staff photographer for her second year. Katie is involved in SHARE, Junior Board and Unicef Club. When she is not cropping photos in the backroom, she spends her free time listening to music, eating Italian food, traveling, reading or watching bad rom com movies. »

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