Gallery: Issue One in Photos

The Lancers returned to school on Wednesday, Aug. 14. Harbinger photographers documented what life at East looked like for the first two weeks of school.

Check out this gallery on Harbie Photo to purchase pictures from this event by clicking the link below:

Issue One in Photos

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Author Spotlight

Amelie Wong

Amelie Wong
Senior Amelie Wong is entering her third and final year on staff as Harbinger’s first ever head online photo editor. Though she is still trying to figure out all of the responsibilities for her new role, she is so excited to see what new challenges this year brings. When Amelie is not in the J-room you can probably find her at Target buying more Red Bull or Starbucks getting her third coffee of the day. »

Addie Clark

Addie Clark
Sophomore Addie Clark is eager for her second year on staff as Photo Mentor and Contest Coordinator. When Addie is not with her camera, she is on a run, at swim practice, watching Modern Family or hanging out with friends and family. Outside Harbinger Addie is involved in Cross Country, Swim and The Children's Place Teen Board. »

Will Griffith

Will Griffith
Junior Will Griffith is starting his third year as a photographer on staff as an assistant photo editor. When he's not scrambling to edit photos or check galleries, he is most likely on the soccer field in goal or the football field kicking and punting. Will loves spending his Saturday mornings watching premier league games and then watching college football the rest of the day. Will is excited to start the new challenge of an assistant photo editor and ready for the new role. »

Paige Bean

Paige Bean
Entering her fourth semester on the Harbinger staff as Co-Assistant Photo Editor, Multimedia Staffer and a Social Media Staffer, junior Paige Bean is more than ready for this year. Outside of Harbinger she is the student body vice president, a SHARE chair, East Fund Ambassador, and many more things. Outside of her APs, IBs and extracurriculars, you’ll probably catch Bean at work, with her friends, or working on her latest film project. »

Mason Sajna

Mason Sajna
As a fourth year harbinger staffer, senior Mason Sajna is excited to be a leader on staff this year as a Video Editor, Photo Mentor and Equipment Manager. When he isn’t in the J room editing a video or trying to find some tripod piece, Mason is running as a varsity track and cross country runner and is in five AP classes. When things finally slow down, Mason likes to spend his free time with his friends or just hang out at home. »

Katie Cook

Katie Cook
Junior Katie Cook is elated to be working as a staff photographer for her second year. Katie is involved in SHARE, Junior Board and Unicef Club. When she is not cropping photos in the backroom, she spends her free time listening to music, eating Italian food, traveling, reading or watching bad rom com movies. »

Tyler Russell

Tyler Russell
Sophomore Tyler Russell is thrilled to be a part of the Harbinger for his first year as a staff photographer. While continuing to decipher the perplexity of J-data, or messaging his photo mentor countless times a day, Tyler is still loving his experience on the staff. Other than scrolling through endless photos, Tyler is on the SME tennis team and an East Fund Ambassador. Apart from Harbinger, he can either be seen chowing down on some Chipotle, baking with his friends or spending some much needed quality time with God. »

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