Gallery: Girls Tennis Tryouts

With over 150 girls competing for the 32 spots on the junior varsity and varsity girls tennis teams, tennis tryouts were held from Aug. 19-23. For the first two days of tryouts, all teams tried out. For the last three days, only girls selected for the junior varsity and varsity teams continued trying out. Girls who were not chosen for junior varsity and varsity were sorted into the blue and white teams on Aug. 27.

“This is the largest turnout of girls we’ve had in my time of coaching,” said Coach Susan Hallstrom. “Everyone shows a lot of potential this year.”

The girl’s junior varsity tennis team’s next game is against Bishop Miege at Harmon Park on Aug. 28 at 3:30 p.m. Varsity will play SM Northwest at Harmon Park on Aug. 29 at 3:30 p.m.

Check out this gallery on Harbie Photo to purchase pictures from this event by clicking the link below:

8.23.24 Girls Tennis Tryouts

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Ava Towner

Ava Towner
Sophomore Ava Towner is excited to start her first semester on Harbinger as a photographer. Other than Harbinger, Ava is also involved in girls tennis and Share at East. When Ava is not taking pictures, you can find her hanging out with friends, shopping, listening to podcasts, playing tennis, or walking her dogs. »

Annie Trenkle

Annie Trenkle
Annie Trenkle is a sophomore at Shawnee Mission East. She is in her first year of being a photographer for the Harbinger. Outside of taking photos, Annie plays tennis, basketball and soccer for Shawnee Mission East. Other than sports and photography, Annie loves school, her friends and her family. »

Vivien Glenski

Vivien Glenski
Beginning her first semester on staff as a photographer and her sophomore year, Vivien is so excited to experience everything Harbinger has to offer. When she is not taking photos she likes to hang out with friends, play tennis, babysit, and relax with her family and dogs. Here at East she is also involved in Share and is on the Girls Tennis team. »

Tyler Russell

Tyler Russell
Sophomore Tyler Russell is thrilled to be a part of the Harbinger for his first year as a staff photographer. While continuing to decipher the perplexity of J-data, or messaging his photo mentor countless times a day, Tyler is still loving his experience on the staff. Other than scrolling through endless photos, Tyler is on the SME tennis team and an East Fund Ambassador. Apart from Harbinger, he can either be seen chowing down on some Chipotle, baking with his friends or spending some much needed quality time with God. »

Sylvie DeGalan

Sylvie DeGalan
Sophomore Sylvie DeGalan is thrilled for her first year on The Harbinger as a Staff Photographer. After the school day is over Sylvie plays tennis and swims. She enjoys hanging out with family and friends and having a good meal. Other than Harbinger, Sylvie is involved in Swim and tennis. »

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