Gallery: Girls Swim places second in tri-meet against Olathe East and Lawrence Free State

The Girls Swim and Dive placed second at the first meet of the season on March 29 at the Lawrence Aquatic Center. Junior Varsity and Varsity teams were represented at the meet. Varsity has been recording state qualifying times from several swimmers in order to better prepare for state. Senior Anne Deedy along with other teammates acquired state-cut times in the first meet. Varisty swimmer, junior Calleigh Nachtigal describes the teams turn out as “not as well as [she] was hoping”, but then assures that the season usually starts out weaker than their average level of preformance. Varsity’s next meet is Saturday, April 16 at 9 am and junior varsity will be right after them at 11 am.

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Hadley Chapman

Hadley Chapman
Senior Hadley Chapman is beyond excited for her fourth and final year on The Harbinger staff as co-head photo editor and can’t wait to soak up every last moment and memory she can from her second family. When she isn’t overthinking every photo from a recent shoot in the back room, you can find her in the SHARE room with her fellow execs, out on the tennis courts or wrangling her zoo of pets at home. Whether it’s brainstorming portraits or begging for validation from Tate, she will find any excuse to be in the J-room and hopes to give back as much to this staff as it has to her. »

Julia Fillmore

Julia Fillmore
Senior Julia Fillmore could not be more excited to start her second year on staff as a photo mentor. She is thrilled to jump right back into deadlines, hanging out in the J-room and just getting to go out and shoot. Along with Harbinger, Julia is also involved in tennis, swim, student store, DECA, Link Crew and SHARE. If she’s not doing one of those things, you can probably find her hanging out with friends, driving around, or in a Powerlife class. She can’t wait to see what the year brings! »

Charlotte Emley

Charlotte Emley
Senior Charlotte Emley is starting her second year on The Harbinger as a staff photographer. When Charlotte isn’t running around shooting events and editing photos, she enjoys hanging out with friends, going to Power Life and is on the Shawnee Mission East swim team. She is very excited to be a senior on staff and see all she accomplishes. »

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