Gallery: Girls State Swim

Girls Swim and Dive competed at their state championship on May 18th and 19th in Topeka, Kansas. The team placed third overall with Lawrence Free State placing second and Wichita East placing first.

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Lydia Underwood

Lydia Underwood is a junior going into her second year on staff as a writer and broadcast editor. She is involved in Cross Country and Swim Team. Outside of school she loves to hang out with friends, watch YouTube and going to Energizing Mission. »

Brynn Winkler

Brynn Winkler is a senior soaking up her third year on The Harbinger where she works as a Copy Editor and Online Section Editor. Though much of her free time is spent in the New York Times op-ed section or finalizing her own stories for The Harbinger, she’s also an avid coffee shop connoisseur, traveler, and lover of all things outdoors. Along with Harbinger, Brynn is also involved in girls’ cross country and swimming, Coalition, IB, SHARE and Junior Board. »

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