Author Spotlight
Elise Madden

Entering her third year on harbinger as the head photo editor Elise is excited to take on the year with her co editor Maggie Merckens. Outside of harbinger Elise is involved in lacrosse, deca, student store, link crew, and AP classes. If she’s not taking photos on the sidelines of games, at dance, or babysitting you can find her with her laptop watching movies and shows in her room, or going to get sushi with her friends. »
Eva Berkley

Sophomore Eva Berkley is about to start her first year as a staff photographer. When Berkley is not taking action shots of her classmates you can find her in the SME gym playing volleyball, on the field playing lacrosse, doing charity work with The National Charity League, and hanging out with her friends. Berkley is super excited to be a part of the family and can not wait to be with everyone in the J room. »
Lily Mantel

Going into her second and final year on staff senior Lily Mantel is so excited to help new photographers the ways of Harbinger as a photo mentor. When Mantel is not on the sidelines shooting sports games she is involved in SHARE at East and could be found hanging out with her friends on the weekends. Lily is excited to spend her final year at East shooting sports games and events happening at SME and out in the community. »
Maggie Merckens

Entering her third year on harbinger as a head photo editor Maggie is excited to take on the year with her co-editor Elise Madden. Outside of Harbinger, Maggie is involved in cheer, SHARE, and art clubs. If she’s not taking photos on the sidelines of games, at cheer, or working on art projects you can find her exploring the outdoors and hanging out with friends. »
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