Free Britney: Staffer reviews new Hulu Britney Spears documentary, “Framing Britney Spears”

Honestly, I have never really paid much attention to Britney Spears. Obviously I’ve mouthed almost all the words to the song “Toxic”, but I never looked into her life or who she really was. But after my sister watched the new documentary on Hulu, she wouldn’t stop begging me to watch it — and I’m so glad she did.

Entering Hollywood at the age of 10, Britney was already on shows and stages performing. Many saw her as a pretty blonde girl, but nothing else. “Framing Britney Spears” shows she is more than the hit “Toxic” or “Oops…I did it again”

The documentary is all about her conservatorship under her father, which was placed in 2008. A conservatorship is a legal concept where a court chooses a person to manage an “incapacitated” person’s financial and personal affairs. The conservator’s duties include overseeing finances, establishing and monitoring the physical care of the conservatee and managing living arrangements.

“Framing Britney Sears” shows that when Britney’s conservatorship was created, it was definitely necessary. Her unstable mind left her unable to make decisions with her own money, or just daily life decisions on her own. Unfortunately, choosing her dad was not the correct way to go.

Viewers follow a timeline of Britney’s career and what exactly led to this point. She had some highs and some lows, but her conservatorship has been her one constant, even though she has mentally recovered and deserves that freedom.

Anna Mitchell | The Harbinger Online

“Framing Britney Spears” also shows how all of her supporters are feeling about her current situation. I’ve seen dozens of TikToks of Britney looking like she was being forced to read off a script—I wasn’t the only one to recognize this. Two concerned young women also scavenged through her history and social media to create a podcast that breaks down every cry for help they found.

As the podcast went viral, more people became concerned about Britney, forming a movement called, “Free Britney,” to put an end to her conservatorship.This eventually led to the documentary reviewing her career from a young girl to a teenager to a young adult who already had a lot on her plate. 

It was clear Britney needed help, but today she is still tied down by her father. Her dad didn’t even try to hide the fact that he wasn’t there to be a supportive father, but take the millions she was making a night and keeping control over her wealth.

Now, I know “Framing Britney Spears” might not sound like something just anyone is interested in, but it shows something for all celebrities — fame at a young age, well any age really, can have a huge affect on mental health.

This is a must-watch to put yourself in the shoes of many celebrities who go through struggles. And being famous isn’t all money and happiness.

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Anna Mitchell

Anna Mitchell
Senior Anna Mitchell is heading into her last year on The Harbinger staff as co-design editor and writer and is looking forward to trying out every aspect of The Harbinger before the end of her fourth and final year at East. When not scrolling through endless color palettes or adding to her fat Pinterest board of design ideas, Mitchell is most likely taking a drive to the nearest Chipotle to take a break away from her array of AP classes or after a fun soccer practice. She is also a part of NHS, SHARE, and NCL. While senior year is extra busy for Anna, she can’t wait to keep learning new skills on the J-room couch. »

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