Last Friday night on September 6th at the football game against Leavenworth, senior Jackson Granstaff drove a 15 feet tall by 24 feet wide tunnel in which football players can run through to the game in his truck. When he arrived to set it up, he was told Head Football Coach Dustin Delaney said they couldn’t use the tunnel. Delaney didn’t provide them with a reason why, and declined to be interviewed about the topic.
“We took a long time to get it and it’s such a waste if we can’t use it because it’s a really cool tunnel,” Granstaff said. “And I know the football players all wanted to use it and were psyched for it.”
Cheer coach Lindsey Haymond and some of her cheerleaders have been wanting to buy a tunnel for the football players to run out of at the beginning of each game for two years, and this year the cheerleaders finally bought it. The tunnel has “Lancers” on the side, and a football helmet on the front.
Right now, the tunnel is being kept in Granstaff’s garage. The cheerleaders and students are hoping to be able to use the tunnel at not only every home game, but away games as well.
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