Author Spotlight
Maggie Klumpp

Going to her fourth and final year of Harbinger, senior Maggie Klumpp can’t wait to finish out harbinger as a staff designer, artist and social media staffer. She can’t wait for deadlines and making this year the best year yet. Outside of The Harbinger, Klumpp is involved at east as one of the Varsity Captains for the Lancer Dancers, a Share Chair, a Link Crew Leader, Student Store and AP classes. »
Sophie Henschel

Entering her third year on Harbinger staff as Online-Editor-in-Chief and Social Media Editor, senior Sophie Henschel is ready and excited to jump into the big shoes she has to fill this year. Outside of Harbinger, Henschel nannies, chairs for SHARE and participates in AP courses through East. If she isn’t up editing a story, starting a design or finishing up her gov notes, you’ll probably find her hanging out with friends (with a massive coffee in hand). »
Mia Vogel

Embracing her third and final year on the Harbinger, senior Mia Vogel couldn’t be more thrilled to embark on her roles as Co-Social Media Editor, Copy Editor, Editorial Board Member, Print Section Editor and of course a staff writer and designer. Despite having more Harbinger duties this year than ever before, Mia still finds time for AP classes, Coffee Shop, NCL, SHARE, NHS, lacrosse, two after school jobs and to somehow rewatch a season of any given sitcom in just an afternoon. Catch her blaring music in the backroom, whiteknuckling a large iced coffee, procrastinating with online shopping and manically scribbling in her planner 24/7. »
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