FAFSA Makes Applications Easier


High School students will now find it easier to apply for financial aid if new implications are made . Free Application for Financial service Aid, or FAFSA is one of the biggest financial aid services that students can apply.

President Barack Obama released a statement saying that starting in the school year 2017-2018 students will be able to apply sooner than before. To apply, students must visit the FAFSA website or print out the paper,and then have the office at their school file it.

FAFSA provides over $150 million dollars to many students in need each year and receives about 22 million submissions each year.

“Every time we help a college student fill out an application we always recommend FAFSA to them,” Counselor Deanna Griffey said. “ Sometimes there are situations where it’s good to have that extra little bit of help.”

In previous years, a tax statement was required from the year before, and the application was required to be turned in by January 1st. Which is a hard for many students because tax information from the previous year hasn’t been received by this time.

This also affects the college that a student chooses. If a student is in need of financial aid, receiving the acceptance late could.Decrease chances of going to the college he or she desires.

Two major changes will occur if the government implicates the plan to make FAFSA easier.

Students will be able to file a 2017-2018 FAFSA three months earlier than before, compared to previous years. Getting tax information from the previous year was very difficult for many students. Now taxes can be accepted from two year prior instead of one.  If a 2017-2018 FAFSA is turned in, a statement will be accepted from the 2015 tax year.

This Major alteration will be much more organized and guarantee less pressure and more certainty for parents and students applying.