With Shawnee Mission’s zero-tolerance, drug and alcohol policy, the first violation by a student results in the same consequences as the third of a student in the Olathe School District. Kansas districts and schools have the freedom to choose their own drug and alcohol policies, which creates an unfair advantage and/or disadvantage for students who participate in extracurricular activities. A universal policy for schools statewide is mandatory to create fair and equal competition.
In Kansas, each individual school or district has its own individual requirements and punishments to deal with a Minor in Possession (MIP) or other drug or alcohol related charges, but they do have to comply with the Kansas State High School Activities Association (KSHSAA). KSHSAA lets individual schools or district chose their own policy that follows their templates and ideas.
In the Shawnee Mission District (SMSD) a first offense earns you a full season suspension from activities, and a second offense is a 365 day suspension. While this policy is standard for the SMSD, it is not the same for other local schools that East regularly competes against in athletics and other activities.
The Olathe School District’s policy is a 14 day suspension for a first offense, 28 day suspension for the second offense and a third offense is a full season suspension for all activities. Blue Valley has a slightly stricter policy than Olathe, a first offense suspends the student for a half a season and a second is a full season. If a student makes a third mistake it is a 365 day suspension. Both school districts require the offender to enroll in a substance abuse program. Other districts like Junction City and Topeka have than Shawnee Mission regularly compete against have a similar policy to Blue Valley’s.
The different schools we regularly compete against in league and tournament play have different policies regarding a student’s suspension from athletics and other extracurricular activities. The policy would have to extend to all schools, regardless of location or size, so not to create a discrepancy. For example, in post-season play, teams from different leagues are competing against one another, and to make it a level playing field, a policy would have to extend to the other schools from outside the league.
An agreement between administrators to decide on a policy that would provide not only fair competition but also discourage students from underage drinking and drug use. The policy should be effective for schools that have numerous and the schools that have minimal violations. It should be strict enough that students would think twice about risking their career in their extracurricular activity to either drink or do drugs.
If administrators could come together to form an across the board policy. It would ensure an impartial and appropriate punishment for all students, eliminating unfair advantages for students involved in extra-curricular activities across the state.
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