Social Distancing ≠ Not Socializing: The Importance of Friendship During COVID-19 By Annakate Dilks and Kelly Murphy Apr 30, 2020
Grappling With Goodbyes: With in-person graduation up in the air, seniors should try to find closure from the smaller moments of high school By Brynn Winkler Apr 29, 2020
I’m not a senior. But this year being cut short has hit me pretty hard, too. By Sydney Decker Apr 29, 2020
Vote Biden this November. Despite his shortcomings, to abstain or vote elsewhere would be a vote aiding Trump. By Ben Henschel Apr 28, 2020
Editorial: SMSD’s fourth quarter grades policy puts teachers in tough spot, leaving some students struggling and unmotivated By Editorial Board Apr 28, 2020
The district needs a plan for online school in the fall, in the event that it is canceled By Catherine Erickson Apr 27, 2020
Is China having a second wave of cases? Let’s put into perspective what that could mean for the U.S. By Elizabeth Mikkelson Apr 22, 2020