Tristen Porter: How joining Harbinger helped her find a passion outside of her comfort zone By Tristen Porter May 9, 2023
Rachel Bingham: How Harbinger has released a creative side of her from her competitiveness By Rachel Bingham May 9, 2023
For Connor: Family and friends share memories of Connor Daniels, as he would’ve graduated from East this year By Greyson Imm May 9, 2023
Caroline Wood: A reflection on her first story and how it impacted her time on Harbinger By Caroline Wood May 9, 2023
Nora Lynn and Sophie Lindberg: Harbinger showed us that it’s OK to grow into our own identities By Sophie Lindberg and Nora Lynn May 9, 2023
Hassan Sufi and Tristan Chabanis: Bonded by common interests, Harbinger has brought us especially strong friendships with the other boys on staff By Tristan Chabanis and Hassan Sufi May 9, 2023
Kate Whitefield: By performing for her community, singer and senior Kate Whitefield discovered her interest in Music Therapy By Lucy Wolf May 8, 2023