Breaking News: SMSD passes new cell phone policy that will take effect on Feb. 3

A new cell phone policy, implementing the restriction of electronic devices during the school day, was passed by the Shawnee Mission School District school board during their latest meeting on Jan. 13 and will take effect on Feb. 3.

The new policy states that SMSD high school students can’t access phones, headphones and any other electronic devices (apart from smart watches) from the beginning to the end of a period. Students may still access these devices during passing periods and lunch.

While principal Jason Peres knows it may be difficult for some students to let go of the social aspect of their devices, he hopes students realize phones are a distraction that prevent students from putting forth their best work.

“The goal of the policy is to ensure and protect instructional time for student learning,” Peres said. “It is our hope that [the policy] minimizes distraction from the start of the class to the end of the class.”

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