Author Spotlight
Natalie Parker
Natalie Parker started blogging after her excessive Twitter-usage began to bother her followers. Since then, she has made a habit of writing random ramblings whenever she feels like it. This is one of them. »
The scorching sun pounds down on my skin and I’m lying by PV pool while my BFF reads the latest hard-hitting article about sunglasses in Seventeen next to me. And then I open my eyes. In reality, I’m sitting in calculus and that same BFF is poking me with her pencil to wake me up from my lovely daydream. I go back to tallying the minutes until class is over.
I know, like everyone isn’t excited enough already. But, in the rare cast that you aren’t pumped up enough, once again, I have a few suggestions. With my help, you will be able to power through those AP test and finals.
My summer always consists of some staples, the first of which is making a bit of money. I try to be at least a little productive and this year is no different. I will be babysitting, working at an art camp, and interning. My suggestion to find something not necessarily that you adore, but that at least makes you feel productive. Other must-dos include sleeping in, going to the pool, and finally, staying up into the early hours of the morning watching TV. Last summer, my shows were Wildfire and Dexter. The year before was Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Who knows what my Netflix queue has in store for me this summer?
This year, unlike any before, I am making a bucket list. No, I definitely don’t plan on passing on to see the Albus Dumbledore in the sky quite yet, but I do plan on accomplishing everything on my list this summer before I go off to college. From quirky things like dressing up as a banana and walking around holding a sign that says “Honk if you like bananas” to finally completing the Capri Sun challenge, put anything on your list that you think is too childish to do in college. There’s only so much time left to pretend that you’re five.
Next, organize a set time every week during which you and your friends can have a dinner together. A friend of mine is organizing one of these, and if makes me amazingly happy to know that I will have an excuse to see all of my friends despite our busy schedules.
With every Scantron bubble I fill in, I am one step closer. Closer to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2, drinking Butterbeer at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, going to college orientation, reading “Journalism for Dummies”, checking things off my bucket list. Closer to summer seems so amazing, but when I really think about it, I’m going to try to appreciate every second of the eight days I have left. But you remember that time thing and how when you want it to move faster it keeps moving as slow as my 25 pound cat? Well, the second you start to appreciate the time it’s gone.
So enjoy every single moment, seniors, because after next week, as crazy and sentimental as it sounds, it’s all going to change.
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