Blog: MORPed

MORP. Prom spelled backwards. One of those things only high school students could think up. One of those activities you can’t really appreciate until you’ve experienced it. Seems simple enough- dress up crazy and dance. It’s hard to appreciate its simple mystique.***

My friends and I made plans for it at the last second.

“You bought your ticket yet?”

“No, I’m getting it at lunch tomorrow.”

This went on for several days before we realized that it was Friday and the dance was less than 12 hours away.

During the few hours between the end of the Frequent Friday and when I was meeting my friends, I rushed around my house trying to decide between the leopard print dress that my sister had worn to MORP one year and my sequined, hippy Halloween costume from a few years back. Eventually the sequins won out with their shimmery charm.

After my friends and I arrived at East, showed our student IDs, and gave our tickets to the teachers at the door, we walked into the cafeteria. It was still fairly early, so the room was oozing with that awkward “should-we-dance-yet?” feeling. As the room slowly filled up, the music got louder and more people moved towards the front of the cafeteria.

The next hour or so was filled with an odd mixture of popular music, dubstep, and some songs, such as “Jump On It,” that no one had heard since middle school.


Later that evening, even my friend, who always complains about not liking dances, was joining in on our very freshman-girl sounding review of the night, full of laughter and raised voices.

Turns out that the simplicity is MORP’s superpower. It’s an uncomplicated, relaxed night of fun and that’s why I’m so ready for next year’s.

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