Last weekend I took my first college visits. I visited five schools in two days, a feat only possible due to my “private college counselor” (my aunt Laura) and her spectacular planning abilities.
As a junior I realize that I’m getting ahead of the game but I thought that college visits would lead me to a sense of security in the coming year. I couldn’t have been more wrong.
But let’s begin with the logistics of the trip. We started out with Smith College, where my aunt, along with my great-aunt, cousin and grandmother all attended and was very excited to show me around. We then drove around three of the other five schools affiliated with Smith: Amherst, Hampshire and Mount Holyoke. The next day we drove to the center of Boston to visit Boston University.
We took this visit in order to get a look at two completely different types of schools: the small, private, all female college (Smith) vs. the large, co-ed, urban setting college in the middle of a city (BU). While I thought this would help me understand exactly what I wanted, I came back with so much stress that I missed school the next day due to a migraine.
I expected to step onto one of those campuses and immediately know where I belonged. But as I took tours and visited info sessions I began to become overwhelmed with the abundance of information.
Along with that is the stress of picking a major. I’ve wanted to be a vet since elementary school but while at BU I found out that a pre-vet program is almost identical to pre-med programs. This alone is terrifying because I don’t know if I can handle that kind of pressure.
While I really enjoyed both schools I have no idea which I really liked better. BU was so large and, having never lived in a city, I don’t know if the hustle-and-bustle of Boston is going to be too overwhelming or distracting. Smith was gorgeous and offers a lot in financial aid and internship possibilities but was it right for me? I honestly have no idea what I want anymore.
Even though I know I have another year and a half before I have to make my decision, I’m still stressing out.
Honestly, I envy the seniors submitting their Early Applications this November. At least they know what direction they want to go in. I’m more confused then ever.
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