Battle of the Berries: A head to head debate about whether Mott’s or Welch’s fruit snacks are better


Welch’s vs. Mott’s. Is that even a question? Mott’s tastes like it’s made with artificial fruit along with a chewy texture that leaves a sticky feeling in your mouth. But Welch’s tastes like you’re eating straight from the plant — whether it’s the candy-like grape or fresh cherry flavor.

Not only the flavor, but Welch’s gummies themselves are better. The gummies feature a better texture that doesn’t leave bits in your teeth.

The proof of better quality can be seen in the ingredients. Welch’s main ingredient is the actual fruit puree whereas Mott’s is corn syrup. Yuck. They are both supposed to be “fruit” snacks, but only one prioritizes the actual fruit. 

Although Mott’s is less expensive, the two extra cents spent on Welch’s is worth it. 

Surveying the vending machines around East, they all have something in common. They only feature Welch’s fruit snacks. Whether this is because they are healthier or simply more popular, it adds to why they’re better. 

Whether it’s the carrot flavored fruit snack that no one wants from Mott’s or their dreadful aftertaste, Welch’s is obviously the way to go. 


It’s easy to question whether Mott’s or Welch’s is the better fruit snack. It’s even easier to find your answer. Welch’s cost for a tangy fruit snack that tastes undoubtedly artificial, is nothing compared to Mott’s authentic and realistic flavor that tastes like you’re biting right into actual fruit.

Welch’s may have that sweet gummy taste, but it’s hard to differentiate the fruits. When I bite into a strawberry or blueberry Mott’s fruit snack, I know exactly what to expect.

Even though Welch’s uses more natural ingredients, they’re not all that more healthy due to the 7 grams of added sugars. Mott’s may have 10 grams, but they also have added vitamins. And if you’re vegan, you’re in luck. Mott’s are vegan, according to Welch’s contains gelatin which is made from animal collagen, created by boiling animals skin, tendons or bones — making them neither vegetarian or vegan.

Not only are they a tasty snack, but one that everyone can enjoy.

When we look at the facts and ingredients that create such a delicious snack, Mott’s fruit snacks are the obvious better choice.

10 responses to “Battle of the Berries: A head to head debate about whether Mott’s or Welch’s fruit snacks are better”

  1. Anonymous says:

    motts are literally the beast no one can beat may the fruit smile but thats thats

  2. Anonymous says:

    Just had both , I totally agree with the article welches are far superior . Mott’s sticky and not as good

  3. Anonymous says:

    motss is so bust bruh even though they stick to ur teeth at least they taste good like with welches I don’t want none of that nasty ahh artificle stuff. heck no motss all da way

  4. Anonymous says:

    I’m eating Mott’s right now and it’s very delicious

  5. Anonymous says:

    welches are better, motts stick to your teeth and its hard to get out also nobody like the carrot flavor in welches.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Both contain corn syrup. Neither are healthy. Both will lead to diabetes and other health problems. Worst article ever.

  7. Anonymous says:

    motts on top

    • Anonymous says:

      you buggin ong, i was js eating sum of does and on god da first ingredient is apple puree, the SECOND ingredient is corn synrup, motts also got madd vitamins in it too word

  8. Anonymous says:

    After reading this twice I’m still confused about which snack this article is deeming the better option. Is this supposed to offer an argument for both? I think the fact that cornsyrup is listed as the first ingredient in Motts, and real fruit is the first ingredient in Welch’s is first of many reasons Welch’s is clearly the better option.

  9. Anonymous says:

    its not that deep

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